C19: Unbiased Estimators

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1 C19: Unbiased Estimators
CIS 2033 based on Dekking et al. A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics Slides by Nathan Weiser Format by Tim Birbeck Instructor Longin Jan Latecki C19: Unbiased Estimators

2 19.1 – Estimators The parameters that determine the model distribution are called the model parameters We focus on a situation where a parameter correspond to a feature of the model distribution that can be described by the model parameters themselves or by some function of the model parameters. This is known as the parameter of interest.

3 19.1 – Estimators ESTIMATE: an estimate is a value t that only depends on the dataset x1, x2,…,xn, i.e., t is some function that of the dataset only: t = h(x1, x2,…,xn) ESTIMATOR: Let t = h(x1, x2,…,xn) be an estimate based on the dataset x1, x2,…,xn. Then t is a realization of the random variable T= h(X1, X2,…,Xn). The random variable T is called an estimator. Estimator refers to the method or device for estimation Estimate refers to the actual value computed from a dataset

4 19.2 Investigating the behavior of an estimator
Estimating the probability p0 of zero arrivals, which is an unknown number between 0 and 1. Possible estimators:

5 19.3 The Sampling Distribution and Unbiasedness
Desireable: E[S]=p0 The Sampling Distribution: Let T= h(X1, X2,…,Xn) be an estimator based on a random sample X1, X2,…,Xn. The probability distribution of T is called the sampling distribution of T. Sampling Distribution of S: Where Y is the number Xi equal to zero Thus is follows that:

6 19.3 The Sampling Distribution and Unbiasedness
Definition: An estimator T is called an unbiased estimator for the parameter Ө, if E[T] = Ө Irrespective of the value of Ө. The difference E[T] – Ө is called the bias of T; if this difference is nonzero, then T is called biased

7 19.3 The Sampling Distribution and Unbiasedness
Definition: An estimator T is called an unbiased estimator for the parameter Ө, if E[T] = Ө Irrespective of the value of Ө. The difference E[T] – Ө is called the bias of T; if this difference is nonzero, then T is called biased

8 19.4 Unbiased Estimators for Expectation and Variance
Suppose X1, X2,…,Xn is a random sample from a distribution with finite expectation µ and finite variance σ2. Then: Is an unbiased estimator for µ and Is an unbiased estimator for σ2

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