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CSC312 Automata Theory Lecture # 24 Chapter # 11 by Cohen Decidability.

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1 CSC312 Automata Theory Lecture # 24 Chapter # 11 by Cohen Decidability

2 Decidability Problems
Method-2: (Blue paint method) To examine whether a certain FA accepts any word, it is required to seek paths from initial to final state. Following is the procedure to find such paths. Step-1: Paint the start state Blue. Step-2: From every blue state follow every edge that leads out of it and paint the destination state blue, then delete these edges from the machine. Step-3: Repeat step-2 until no new state is painted blue, then stop. Step-4: When the procedure stops, if any of the final states are painted blue, then the machine accepts some words, otherwise not.

3 Decidability Problems
Method-3: If the FA has N state, then test all words fewer than N letters by running them on the FA. If the FA accepts none of them, then it accepts no word at all. Example:

4 Decidability Problems
Finiteness: How can we decide whether an FA, or RE, defines a finite or infinite language? For a RE it is easy. If the RE contains closure operator then it may define an infinite language, with the exception of *, as we know that * =  Example: (+a)(*+)* defines a finite language. While (*+a)*(*+)* defines an infinite language.

5 If we want to decide this question for an FA, we could convert it to a regular expression OR we can use the following theorem. Theorem 19: Let F be an FA with N states, then If F accepts an input string w such that N  length(w)  2N then F accepts an infinite language OR 2. If F accepts infinitely many words, then F accepts some word w such that Practice questions Exercise Ch # 11 ,Q. No. 1-13

6 Remarks: For a machine with N number of states, the total number of strings to be tested, defined over an alphabet  of m letters, is mN + mN+1 + … m2N-1. After testing all theses strings on the machine, if any one is accepted then the machine accepts infinite language otherwise not e.g. for a machine of 3 states and alphabet of two letters, = 56 strings are to be tested.

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