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The Church Begins in Corinth

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1 The Church Begins in Corinth
Acts 18: 1-18

2 Follow the Spirit through Disagreement?

3 The Church Begins in Corinth Acts 18: 1-18
At Corinth, Paul met Aquila and Priscilla, who recently fled Rome due to Claudius ‘edict.’ A&P were also tentmakers, so Paul worked with them to support himself (18:3). Silas and Timothy arrived with ‘offerings.’ As usual, Jewish opposition rose against Paul. ‘Blood on your heads, not my hands’ language of work of Prophets & ‘watchmen’ warnings. Paul had much success with Jews and Gentiles.

4 The Church Begins in Corinth Acts 18: 1-18
Jews ‘upped’ opposition, took Paul to Gallio. Paul received assurance directly from Jesus! Gallio made vital precedent – No Roman laws broken by Paul or the Church, they’re legal! We, too, are free to make the most of every opportunity to share God’s Word and our Lord Jesus Christ! Go for it

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