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When someone asks, “What do you do

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Presentation on theme: "When someone asks, “What do you do"— Presentation transcript:

1 When someone asks, “What do you do
When someone asks, “What do you do?”, you say “I’m in the business of changing people’s lives in amazing ways. Would you like to know how? It will only take a minute.” Then hand them the survey to complete on the back of the brochure. STOP TALKING and let them fill it out!

2 “Ok, let’s add this up.” “The highest score you can possibly get is 40. What’s your score?” “If you could change any one of those, which would you change first?” “Tell me a little about about why you picked ___________?” “If I could show you a way to improve your __________, would you be interested?” If they say yes, go over brochure. If they say yes but are in a rush, get address & follow up time. Put them into your 3 minute peek or ABC system and send them videos or documents. If no, thank them for their time and tell them to hold on to the brochure, that your contact information is on there should they have any questions later on. And “oh btw-do you know anyone that might be interested in improving their lives, that could possibly use my help?”

3 “Have you heard of redox signaling?”
“Well, most people haven’t…it’s groundbreaking new science and technology, but it’s one of the fastest-growing and there are HUGE benefits to replenishing these molecules.” Dr Watson who was the co-discoverer of DNA and the DNA helix model says that the discovery of these molecules may even be bigger than the discovery of DNA.

4 “Here’s a few of those benefits.” (Point out a few things for them.)

5 “Amazingly enough, our company was able to concentrate these molecules and put them into a GEL.” We’ve known what these molecules do for the health on the inside of our bodies, now we can see with our own eyes what they are doing on the outside of our bodies. Just look at these before and after pics after using Renu 28 for only 28 days. AMAZING!

6 Because of Dermatest, one of the top dermatological testing facilities in the world (who by the way, gave Renu 28 it’s coveted 5 star rating), we can actually measure and quantify the results. That means that our bodies can heal themselves with the DRINK from the inside out, and the GEL from the outside in.” Both being 100% safe and non toxic.

7 “I noticed you put a ‘3’ (. ) for your Financial Security question
“I noticed you put a ‘3’ (?) for your Financial Security question. Have you thought about the possibility of how products like these can generate additional income?”

8 “We have found that when people use our products - and get fantastic results - they naturally want to share their experiences with the people in their lives.” “We have opportunity meetings all the time, that will provide information that explains all this better. Would you be open to coming?” In the meantime, tell them that you are sending more information that will explain the products and opportunity better. And that you look forward to speaking with them. (Make sure to get a follow-up date and time!)

9 “Healthy Combination Brochure Packages”
Get brochures at: Click on ‘Store’ “Healthy Combination Brochure Packages”


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