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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer QUESTION #131 QUESTION #132 QUESTION #133 QUESTION #134"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer QUESTION #131 QUESTION #132 QUESTION #133 QUESTION #134
Answer the following questions in the EOC Practice Packet in the back of your INB: QUESTION #131 QUESTION #132 QUESTION #133 QUESTION #134

2 Question 131 The Korean War was an effort by the United States to— a. carry out its policy of containing the spread of communism b. keep its economy strong by maintaining wartime activities c. secure additional Asian trading partners d. extend the principles of the Marshall Plan to Asia

3 Question 132 Which is the best explanation for U.S. involvement in the Korean War? a. President Truman wanted to unify Korean into one nation. b. General MacArthur had a plan to overthrow Communist China. c. Americans felt Korea was beyond the boundaries of U.S. containment policy. d. American leaders felt it was important to resist Communist aggression.

4 Question 133 The Korean War marked the first time that— a. the United Nations used military force to oppose aggression b. American and Asian forces fought against each other c. a major disagreement arose between the United States and the Soviet Union d. an atomic bomb was used in warfare

5 Question 134 President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of his command in the Korean conflict primarily because— a. the United Nations’ forces were losing the war under General MacArthur’s command b. General MacArthur challenged the concept of civilian control over the military c. the United Nations requested a change of command d. General MacArthur was planning to challenge President Truman as the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party

6 The Arms and Space Races
Essential Question: How did the Arms and Space Races escalate the Cold War?

7 TEKS and Objectives We will… I will… (2D) explain the significance of 1957 and 1969 (8B) describe how Cold War tensions were intensified by the arms race, the space race Complete FRQs after reading an excerpt about the Space Race

8 Nuclear Arms Race What was the Arms Race? Atomic Bomb
Cold War competition between U.S. and Soviet Union to get the best/most nuclear weapons Atomic Bomb Developed by U.S. in 1945 and used to end WWII Developed by Soviet Union in 1949

9 Nuclear Arms Race Hydrogen Bomb M.A.D.
1000x more powerful than atomic bomb Developed by U.S. in 1952 Developed by Soviets in 1953 M.A.D. Mutual Assured Destruction Nuclear weapons acted as a deterrent from enemy attack

10 Nuclear Arms Race

11 Space Race What was the Space Race? Sputnik (1957)
Competition of space exploration between the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War Sputnik (1957) Soviets sent first man-made satellite to orbit around the earth Triggered the beginning of the Space Race

12 Space Race Soviets Take the Lead First satellite in orbit
First dog in space First man in space First woman in space

13 Space Race

14 Space Race U.S. Reaction Fear Soviets would use missiles to send nuclear bombs New programs in science education Creation of NASA Launched satellite in 1958

15 Space Race John Glenn Moon Landing
First American to orbit the earth (1962) Moon Landing U.S. put first men on the moon (Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin) in 1969

16 Space Race Effects of Space Race
Led to advances in technology that have improved quality of our lives i.e. satellites with improved radio/TV signals Help us communicate faster, predict the weather, make phone calls overseas, and use GPS Led to the invention of high-performance solar cells, new lubricants, infrared ear thermometers, enriched baby food, cordless power tools, and tempur-pedic foam

17 Space Race Costs Fueled hostilities between the U.S. and the Soviet Union Both countries spent billions of dollars on space program Many accidents and deaths experienced by both sides

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