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How to take a blood pressure

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1 How to take a blood pressure
Presented By Kelly Hutchison R.N.

2 Blood pressure is …. The force exerted against blood vessel walls
Responsible for the flow of blood Measured at the brachial artery Apply cuff 1 inch above bend above elbow to bare arm. When pumping up the blood pressure cuff, the valve should be closed.

3 Blood Flow of the body Systolic phase Systole Ventricles contract
Blood flows to the body

4 Pumping action of the heart
Diastolic phase Diastole Heart relaxes

5 Blood pressure is……………
Recorded as a fraction 120/80 Systolic pressure is the first sound heard Diastolic pressure is the denominator the last sound

6 Blood pressure sounds….
Auscultated through a stethoscope Sounds are correlated with the readings on a sphygmomanometer Blood pressure is recorded in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)

7 Sphygmomanometer

8 Blood pressure variations…
Determine baseline: – From medical record Systolic palpated pressure Hypertension - High blood pressure Low blood pressure- Hypotension Orthostatic hypotension – Decrease in B/P with position change from supine to erect.

9 Stethoscope

10 Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
Use the proper width cuff Width should be approximately 80% of arm circumference

11 Trouble shooting………. False high reading: – Cuff too small
– Cuff too loose – Slow cuff deflation – Column or dial not at eye level – Poorly timed: anxiety, exercise, after eating (Have the person rest for 5 minutes) Take B/P first in infant or small child.

12 copyright (your organization) 2003
If you have to take a blood pressure again wait at least 30 seconds before re-inflating the cuff. 7/31/2019 copyright (your organization) 2003

13 Trouble shooting………. False low reading:
Incorrect position of arm or leg Position at heart level Inaudibility of low volume sounds Column or dial not at eye level

14 Blood pressure values Blood pressure values
Systolic normal range 90 – 140 mm Hg Diastolic normal range 60 – 90 mm Hg Pulse pressure: difference between systolic & diastolic pressure, approximately 40 mm Hg

15 Blood pressure readings
Use same arm for readings Do not take B/P on arm with: – An IV – Paralysis – Injury – A – V shunt – Edema

16 copyright (your organization) 2003
Elevated blood pressure over time can result in organ damage or a CVA (Cerebral Vascular Accident). 7/31/2019 copyright (your organization) 2003

17 The End !!!!!!

18 copyright (your organization) 2003
Group findings 7/31/2019 copyright (your organization) 2003

19 Factors that raise blood pressure …
Strong emotion Exercise Excitement Pain Decrease of blood vessel size Digestion Cuff that is too narrow or too loose Cuff below heart level

20 Factors that lower blood pressure
Rest/Sleep Lying down Depression Shock Hemorrhage Cuff that is too wide Cuff above the heart level

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