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Communities of practice

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1 Communities of practice
Lave and Wenger 1990 Etienne Wenger, 1998; 2000 Tight 2015

2 Community of practice – «hard work»
Enterprise: the level of learning energy. Must invest in keeping learning at the centre of the enterprise. Mutuality: the depth of social capital. Be willing to invest time and effort in mutual engagement over time – to interact productively and trust each other Repertoire: the degree of self-awareness. Be self-conscious as a community about the repertoire (concepts, language and reseach tools) we develop and its effect on practice

3 Modes of belonging in CoP
Engagement; How do we engage with each other in order to produce what we aim at in the project? Imagination; Who, how and what do we want to be and do as a CoP in this project? Alignment; How do we coordinate interpretations, perspectives, and actions so they realize our overall aims? - A moral code for the project?

4 Who, how and what do we want to be and do as a CoP in this project?
To discuss Who, how and what do we want to be and do as a CoP in this project?

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