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Open Court 4th Grade Unit 4 Survival Island of the Blue Dolphins p.318

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1 Open Court 4th Grade Unit 4 Survival Island of the Blue Dolphins p.318
Open Court 4th Grade Unit 4 Survival Island of the Blue Dolphins p.318

2 chafing Verb Rubbing as to make sore
My hands began to bleed from the chafing of the paddle.

3 seeping Verb Leaking slowly

4 Omen Noun A sign of a future event

5 befall Verb To happen to
Whatever might befall me on the endless waters did not trouble me.

6 ancestors Noun forefathers; ones from whom you are descended

7 deserted Adjective Abandoned
Even greater was the thought of the deserted island I would return to.

8 faint Adjective Inaudible

9 pursued Verb Chased after
It meant far less than the thought of staying on the island alone, pursued by wild dogs.

10 spouting Verb ejecting liquid through a stream

11 idly Adverb Lazily The canoe drifted idly on the calm sea.

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