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Understanding personality is an important skill for effective leadership. Understanding yourself and the people around you is an important skill every.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding personality is an important skill for effective leadership. Understanding yourself and the people around you is an important skill every."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding personality is an important skill for effective leadership. Understanding yourself and the people around you is an important skill every leader should possess. “Know yourself, know your enemy… A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” ~ Sun Tsu

2 Learning to be flexible (bending without breaking) can be a valuable skill for any leader.
The ability to adapt to a situation and/or to the people around you is a critical for any leader.

3 Every leader will tend to lead others based on their own behavioral style.

4 D Style: How would you describe the D style?

5 I Style: How would you describe the I style?

6 S Style: How would you describe the S style?

7 C Style: How would you describe the C style?

8 Use this slide to review the behavioral tendencies of the D style.
How do they relate to leadership?

9 Use this slide to review the behavioral tendencies of the I style.
How do they relate to leadership?

10 Use this slide to review the behavioral tendencies of the S style.
How do they relate to leadership?

11 Use this slide to review the behavioral tendencies of the C style.
How do they relate to leadership?

12 Motivating the D: Challenge and pressure
Motivating the D: Challenge and pressure. Just like “Perfection” D’s thrive when the pressure is on.

13 Motivating the I: Fun and excitement
Motivating the I: Fun and excitement. Just like the dancing flower, I’s get active when the music is playing. They stop when the music goes away.

14 Motivating the S: Low pressure and time to adjust
Motivating the S: Low pressure and time to adjust. S’s don’t like pressure and will resist when pushed. Just like a pull toy, you can’t push from behind, you need to pull from in front.

15 Motivating the C: Rules and plans
Motivating the C: Rules and plans. The C style likes clearly defined rules and regulations. They do not react well to not knowing what is expected. Just like a kite, C’s tend to soar at the end of a string, but they fall to the ground when the string is cut.

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