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Inflationary Universe

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1 Inflationary Universe 6/8/ am

2 Inflationary Universe
What is it? How does it work? What are the issues? Any criticisms?

3 Inflationary Universe
Breakdown Developed by Alan Guth, Andrei Linde, Paul Steinhardt, and Andy Albrecht Solves issues with the Big Bang theory Proposes rapid exponential expansion prior to Big Bang expansion

4 NP For this talk, I am pulling information from WMAP Nasa website– that is the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Many people have heard about the Big Bang theory. It is exceedingly successful in that it effectively explains all of the "blackbody spectrum" of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the origin of the light elements. If you are curious about The Big Bang, I have done video just on that…you can find a link to it in the description! Something people need to remember is that theories explain why a thing that is observed happens. A theory is developed after extensive experimentation. Theories shift with new information. Though the Big Bang is very strong in evidence and successful in its explanation, it still has three significant problems:

5 Regions of space too far apart
Big Bang Issues Flatness Problem Geometry is flat Big Bang says curves Horizon Problem Regions of space too far apart Defies Big Bang rules Monopole Problem No monopoles observed Defies Big Bang Rules

6 NP The Flatness Problem:
Through the work of WMAP the geometry of the universe is nearly flat. The problem with Big Bang cosmology, is that it suggests curvature grows with time. With how flat the universe is as we see it today, extreme fine-tuning of conditions in the early days would have to have happened. This is of course an unbelievable coincidence. The Horizon Problem: There are regions of space so far apart and in complete opposite directions that according to the Big Bang, they would have never been able to be in contact. We know this because the time it would take for light to travel between them exceeds the age of the universe. However, the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background temperature suggests that these regions must have been in contact with each other in the early days. The Monopole Problem: We have not observed magnetic monopoles at all. This suggests that they are extremely rare. In Big Bang cosmology, it suggests that copious amounts of heavy, stable "magnetic monopoles" should have been produced during the early stages of the universe. Since we have yet to observe these, this poses a bit of a problem.

7 NP The Inflation Theory offers solutions to the Big Bang problems. It essentially suggests a period of extremely rapid (exponential) expansion of the universe prior to the steady Big Bang expansion. During this time of rapid expansion, the energy density of the universe was dominated by a cosmological constant (the constant developed initially by Einstein to mathematically fix general relativity). It is now a term that describes a type of vacuum energy that later decayed to generate all the matter and radiation filling the universe as we see it today. Inflation was both rapid, and strong. It increased the linear size of the universe by more than 60 "e-folds", or a factor of ~10^26 in only a small fraction of a second! Inflation model is now considered an extension of the Big Bang theory since it eloquently explains the previous problems, while retaining the basic concepts of a homogeneous expanding universe. Additionally, Inflation Theory bridges essential and compelling ideas in modern physics, including symmetry breaking and phase transitions, to cosmology. Alan Guth is one of the developers of inflationary universe…that’s hear from him in this video snippet from the World Science Festival on how he describes inflationary universe

8 NP Let’s break this down a bit further…
I’m pulling this from an interview with where Alan Guth explains Inflationary universe… The basic idea behind inflation is that a repulsive form of gravity caused the universe to expand. General relativity from its inception predicted the possibility of repulsive gravity; in the context of general relativity you basically need a material with a negative pressure to create repulsive gravity. According to general relativity it's not just matter densities or energy densities that create gravitational fields; it's also pressures. A positive pressure creates a normal attractive gravitational field of the kind that we're accustomed to, but a negative pressure would create a repulsive kind of gravity. It also turns out that according to modern particle theories, materials with a negative pressure are easy to construct out of fields which exist according to these theories. By putting together these two ideas — the fact that particle physics gives us states with negative pressures, and that general relativity tells us that those states cause a gravitational repulsion — we reach the origin of the inflationary theory.

9 Inflationary Universe
  Inflationary theory explains the origin of structure in the universe. Prior to inflation, the portion of the universe we can observe today was microscopic, and quantum fluctuation in the density of matter on these microscopic scales expanded to astronomical scales during Inflation. Over the next several hundred million years, the higher density regions condensed into stars, galaxies, and clusters of galaxies.

10 Regions of space too far apart
Big Bang Issues Flatness Problem Geometry is flat Big Bang says curves Horizon Problem Regions of space too far apart Defies Big Bang rules Monopole Problem No monopoles observed Defies Big Bang Rules

11 NP WMAP explains easily how inflationary universe solves the Big Bang Problems The Flatness Problem:  Imagine living on the surface of a soccer ball (a 2-dimensional world). It might be obvious to you that this surface was curved and that you were living in a closed universe. However, if that ball expanded to the size of the Earth, it would appear flat to you, even though it is still a sphere on larger scales. Now imagine increasing the size of that ball to astronomical scales. To you, it would appear to be flat as far as you could see, even though it might have been very curved to start with. Inflation stretches any initial curvature of the 3-dimensional universe to near flatness. The Horizon Problem:  Since Inflation supposes a burst of exponential expansion in the early universe, it follows that distant regions were actually much closer together prior to Inflation than they would have been with only standard Big Bang expansion. Thus, such regions could have been in causal contact prior to Inflation and could have attained a uniform temperature. The Monopole Problem:  Inflation allows for magnetic monopoles to exist as long as they were produced prior to the period of inflation. During inflation, the density of monopoles drops exponentially, so their abundance drops to undetectable levels.

12 NP Criticisms involve the inability to test whether or not inflationary universe happened. In 2001, Paul Steinhardt, one of the developers of inflationary theory has called into question whether it should be seen as valid. IN an article with Scientific American, Paul along with Anna Ijjas and Avi Loeb criticize cosmologists who take this at face value. They say... “[T]he cosmology community has not taken a cold, honest look at the big bang inflationary theory or paid significant attention to critics who question whether inflation happened. Rather cosmologists appear to accept at face value the proponents’ assertion that we must believe the inflationary theory because it offers the only simple explanation of the observed features of the universe.” They further say “[I]nflationary cosmology, as we currently understand it, cannot be evaluated using the scientific method.” This is a thing that I love about science…scientists argue not because they are being mean…but because they constantly question everything. To be fair to Guth, many theories have explained things to a mathematical t that were not imperically shown to be correct until instrumentation allowed us an eye to observe it.

13 NP Treatment is going to be individual and take time. Changing your brain is a hefty task. It can be done, but it is work. Anyone who suffers a mental illness or any kind of addiction will tell you that therapy is hard. It is work and it requires you to keep at it. Because we are a MUST HAVE IT NOW society with our instant gratification through online interaction, this makes it particularly difficult as we have this instant want in other facets of our life. So, if you are a junk food or food addict, be kind to yourself. Listen to professionals who are experts in this field and understand this can happy to absolutely anyone and does. 59% of obese people, 30% of those overweight and 20% of those at a healthy weight are addicted to food.

14 Inflationary Universe
What is it? How does it work? What are the issues? Any criticisms?

15 Inflationary Universe
Breakdown Developed by Alan Guth, Andrei Linde, Paul Steinhardt, and Andy Albrecht Solves issues with the Big Bang theory Proposes rapid exponential expansion prior to Big Bang expansion

controversy/?redirect=1 flaws-so-do-its-critics

17 You can find me… New patrons…Mark Sykes, Derp State, Rhetoric and Discourse, Brian

18 Inflationary Universe 6/8/ am

19 NP New patrons…Mark, Derp State, Rhetoric and Discourse, Brian
Talk about goals…and hopes for more patrons.

20 Inflationary Universe 6/8/ am

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