The generalization of class

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Presentation on theme: "The generalization of class"— Presentation transcript:

1 The generalization of class
Classifier The generalization of class

2 Classifiers represent nouns
Classes Objects But also non-CS objects Organizations People

3 Symbol A simple rectangle with a name A partitioned rectangle

4 Classifier Names Simple - myClass Path – java::awt::Rectangle
Name in italics means Abstract

5 Name Attributes Operations Additional Partitions Responsibilities Exceptions

6 Attribute Syntax [visibility] name [multiplicity] [: type] [= initial value] [{property string}] Visibility Public “+”, Private “-”, protected “#” Multiplicity “[0..1]”, “[1..*]” Class Attribute (e.g. static) is underlined Properties: “frozen”, “addOnly”

7 Operation Syntax [visibility] name [(parameter-list)] [: type] [= initial value] [{property string}] Parameter-list items: [direction] name :type [= default value] Directions is “in”, “out”, “inout” Properties “isQuery”, “sequential”, “guarded”, “concurrent”

8 Stereotyping <<interface>> RsClient

9 Relationships with Classifiers
<<interface>> Generalization Association (navigation) Realization

10 Associations Mult. Mult. Role Role Directionality with an arrow
Composition (when solid) Aggregation

11 Dependency <<interface>>

12 Kinds of Dependency (Stereotypes)
Friend instanceOf Use Include Extend Call

13 Classifiers Appear in many of the nine diagrams
Syntax shown here is also extend in consistent ways to other diagrams and symbols

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