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What information to collect?

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1 What information to collect?
Jan Smit Statistics Division, ESCAP With thanks to Wei Liu What information to collect? 29/07/2019

2 Outline Overview of ESCAP/WHO project Disability question set testing
What questions were asked? Sampling & sample characteristics What info should be collected? Comparison between Washington Group and WHO questions What information to collect? 29/07/2019

3 ESCAP/WHO project ESCAP/WHO Project on Improving Disability Data
Goal: improve national disability statistics by applying the ICF framework and using international measurement standards Timeframe: this is one of the various last activities, although an extension of the project is currently negotiated with the donor (ROK) What information to collect? 29/07/2019

4 ESCAP/WHO project (cont.)
Target group: statisticians and experts in disability from 20 countries Expected outcome: capacity to produce better disability data that meet policy needs Partners: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Washington Group What information to collect? 29/07/2019

5 Project countries What information to collect? 29/07/2019 Afghanistan
Brunei Darussalam Cambodia China DPR Korea Islamic Republic of Iran Japan Hong Kong, China Laos Macao, China Republic of Korea Singapore Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Taking part in pilot test Fiji Indonesia India Mongolia Philippines What information to collect? 29/07/2019

6 Motivation for project
Biwako Millennium Framework for Action (BMF) Principle 6 to “Strengthen national capacity in data collection and analysis concerning disability statistics” However, many data issues within ESCAP region What information to collect? 29/07/2019

7 Regional disability data issues
Data not available to inform policy Disability prevalence is underestimated Traditional view of disability prevails at every layer of societies, incl. government No comparability of data; need for use of international standards and guidelines Lack of even basic information on persons with disabilities at the national level Data that is available is not comparable across sources Under-reporting of true incidence of disability Data does not sufficiently reflect the lived experience and needs of persons with disabilities The current standard classification system (ICF) not fully understood or implemented in most countries in the region What information to collect? 29/07/2019

8 Lack of data comparability
What information to collect? 29/07/2019

9 Project components Phase 1:
Training in the use of ICF for disability collection, in standard methodologies and in design of collection tools National action plans for improving disability information systems Preparation of disability statistics training manual & material What information to collect? 29/07/2019

10 Project components (cont.)
Phase 2: Field testing of standard sets of disability questions through identical protocols Evaluation of results for application to real data collections Building a network of experts What information to collect? 29/07/2019

11 Main project activities
4 regional workshops for advocating and training on the ICF approach and its implementation Pilot testing of disability questionnaires for use in census and surveys and results analysis and dissemination The ESCAP/WHO Disability Statistics Training Manual What information to collect? 29/07/2019

12 Disability question set testing
Study 1: Sensitivity and specificity testing (and more) Study 2: Test-retest reliability Study 3: Cognitive testing Study 2: 100 respondents re-visited and asked same questions again. Level of agreement expressed in kappa statistic generally OK. Study 3: 100 willing participants were asked about their understanding of the questions. What information to collect? 29/07/2019

13 Pilot test: Study 1 Through NSOs of five countries
Fiji (FJI) Indonesia (IDN) India (IND) Mongolia (MNG) Philippines (PHL) Data collection period: May-July 2005 In local languages What information to collect? 29/07/2019

14 Questions Demographic characteristics 6 Washington Group questions (W)
53 WHO questions (B and D) 17 body structure/function questions from World Health Survey 36 activity & participation questions from Disability Assessment Scale (DAS II) 4 Australian Bureau of Statistics questions on need for assistance (E) What information to collect? 29/07/2019

15 Activity & participation quest.
Understanding & communicating (D1) Getting around (D2) Self care (D3) Getting along with people (D4) Life activities (D5) Participation in society (D6) Incl. 2 questions (D6.2-3) that might be considered as addressing environmental factors What information to collect? 29/07/2019

16 Sampling Each NSO was requested to administer the questionnaire to a sample of at least 1,000 respondents of 18 years and older representative of the national population in terms of age, sex and educational attainment Interpreted by the collaborating NSOs in different ways Sample not representative for whole population What information to collect? 29/07/2019

17 Sample characteristics: Sex
Country Sex IND IDN PHL FJI MNG Total Female Male Total Col % Col % Col % Col % Col % Col % Female Male Total What information to collect? 29/07/2019

18 Age What information to collect? 29/07/2019

19 Education What information to collect? 29/07/2019

20 Marital status What information to collect? 29/07/2019

21 Employment status What information to collect? 29/07/2019

22 What info should be collected?
Depends on question(s) to be answered (already discussed) What domains are most important? No question about respondents overall judgement of their own health (or perhaps happiness, quality of life) What are the main underlying ‘factors’? (Exploratory) factor analysis What information to collect? 29/07/2019

23 Factors Day-to-day life (D1.3, D5.1, D5.2, D5.3, D5.4, D5.5, D5.6, D5.7, D5.8 and D6.8) Self-care (W5, D3.1, D3.2, E1 and E2) Resources and emotion (D6.4, D6.5, D6.6, D6.7 and D6.8) Getting along with people (D4.1, D4.2, D4.3 and D4.4) Mobility (W3, B1.13, B2.1, B2.2 and B2.5) What information to collect? 29/07/2019

24 Factors (cont.) Hearing (W2, B1.8 and B1.9)
Learning and understanding (D1.4 and D1.5) Seeing (W1, B1.6 and B1.7) Pain and discomfort (B1.1 and B1.2) Sadness and anxiety (B1.16 and B1.17) What information to collect? 29/07/2019

25 Prevalence What information to collect? 29/07/2019

26 Sensitivity & specificity
Base of comparison + _ Test questions True positives (a) False positives (b) False negatives (c) True negatives (d) Sensitivity: __a___ a + c Specificity: __d__ b + d What information to collect? 29/07/2019

27 Sensitivity, specificity, gamma
WHO question Sensitivity Specificity Gamma Seeing B B B1.6 and B Hearing B B B1.8 and B Mobility B D B1.13 and D What information to collect? 29/07/2019

28 Sensitivity, specificity, gamma
WHO question Sensitivity Specificity Gamma Cognition D D D1.1 and D Self care D D D3.1 and D Communication D D D1.5 and D What information to collect? 29/07/2019

29 Ongoing research… Can info on some ‘important’ domains be recovered from a limited number of questions/variables? E.g. can D5.5 be explained by the 6 WG questions (or WHO counterpart questions) + demographic info? Initial results in terms of model fit promising Difficulty is accuracy of prediction What information to collect? 29/07/2019

30 Not only collect data… But document and preserve data collection exercise Instrument, scope, coverage, etc. Response options, labels, etc. Microdata Management Toolkit And preferably disseminate micro data (unit records) Possibly anonymized What information to collect? 29/07/2019

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