Church Relations Do you have one?.

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Presentation on theme: "Church Relations Do you have one?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church Relations Do you have one?

2 How to a church partnership program
Pray Organize your Church Relations Committee/team Evaluate your church/faith partnerships Identify and set up profiles of church/faith communities Identify church/faith communities where you have contacts Establish a database Develop an engagement plan Build church partnerships Put plan into action

3 Organize your church relations committee/team
Who How

4 Evaluate your church/faith partnerships
Church Relations Committee Evaluation

5 Identify Identify and set up profiles of church/faith communities
Identify church/faith communities where you have contacts

6 Establish a Database Sample database

7 Develop an engagement plan
How it will happen When it will happen

8 Build Church Partnerships
Ideas and examples of success stores!

9 Resource materials Fuller Center Brochure: Downloadable pdf
Church Bulletin Insert: Downloadable pdf  Customizable Church Informational Sheet (edit to suit your needs): Downloadable Word format   Vacation Bible School/Sunday School project:): Downloadable Word format  

10 Consider these possibilites!
Rotate church partners for arranging and leading devotions at the work site, meetings, and gatherings. Organize worship and prayer opportunities Lead a retreat with the focus Fuller Center’s Christian principles

11 Put into action! Creating a powerful action plan always begins with having a clear purpose, vision or goal in mind. 

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