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Kingdom Partnership “Working together effectively”

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1 Kingdom Partnership “Working together effectively”

2 We believe God has given us a dream:
“To see an expression of his love and compassion in every community called sport” The Dream: To see an expression of Gods love and compassion in every community called sport. To see this dream become a reality – we ALL need to play our part. We believe that Church is Gods plan A and we need everyone to play your part to see this dream come to pass.

3 What do you see? We have a – prophetic window of opportunity –
Child in need – spiritually, ethically and morally we have a responsibility to meet that need – AND we meet that need because we see it and are moved with COMPASSION and rightly so! What do you see?! I surmise you an athlete – fit, healthy and wealthy – BUT if we look at a community no different to anyone else are we any different? In 1Samuel16:7 “…For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart”. As Gods people we are called to look with his eyes of compassion – A moment of revelation will change our perspective forever! AND then only when we see with Gods eyes are we compelled to respond differently! 3. What do I see?…This is not to denigrate sport but I see an individual, a community who are spiritually malnutrition, thirsty for truth and destined for??? Question: Are we the same as the world or are we to be culturally different and do we see with Gods eyes? One moment of revelation will move us to respond in a totally different way. How we see - will dramatically impact and change our response to a situation, which will determine our our acts of kindness and compassion. A moment of seeing beyond the natural can be all we need to take us into a place of peace, hope and victory.

4 More than clubs includes parks, fields etc
Community called Sport No of Clubs: Average Attendance: Size of community: 151,000 Let me explain… and see your eye’s open with regards this community – physical and spiritually This community is 6-10 times bigger than the church and we simply can’t afford to reject it simply because it may meet at a similar time. Stat’s from Sport England 80+ adults, 90+ children 25 million plus More than clubs includes parks, fields etc

5 Community called Church
No of Churches: Average Attendance: Size of community: 52,000 80 people in total 4 million

Missio Dei God sent his son, the Son sent the Spirit and the Spirit SEND US! We can’t afford to reject a community that is SIX to TEN times bigger than your own purely because they may meet at similar time to us. I believe Jesus asked us to GO!. Let me give you some food for thought Young people and sport – if you ask them to choose between God and sport and they choose sport you’ve inexplicitly said God has rejected them. When they have question and vulnerable (The age girls 12/13 & boys 14/15 stop playing sport) the most challenging times in their adolescent life - do you think there going to come running back to a church that rejected them? Some interesting pointers – when a club wins pregnancy rates go up When a club looses – domestic violence goes up Sport impacts our community and if we can impact our sports community - we can impact wider community and nation. BE INTENSIONAL!! Parents: Small things done consistently creates massive change – Zig Ziglar May be you can pray for your kids club May be if you are on the touch line in stead of responding - you ask God, wherever you are at work let me join in The authority on the pitch is the ref but if parents berate the ref they are subconsciously saying to their kids that authority stuff in the bible like respect your mum and dad etc doesn’t matter Who are in these communities? Fatherless, orphans, widows and the broken are in this community called sport and we have a responsibility to GO and meet it them. The BIGGEST issue in the Western World Fatherlessness – We the CHURCH has a responsibility! The fields are white unto harvest

7 Missio Dei BE INTENTIONAL Join the journey We are all responsible
CHURCH – NSS Video to follow Missio Dei God sent his son, the Son sent the Spirit and the Spirit SEND US! I believe Jesus asked us to GO!. Let me give you some food for thought? Young people and sport – if you ask them to choose between God and sport and they choose sport you’ve inexplicitly said God has rejected them. When they have question and vulnerable (The age girls 12/13 & boys 14/15 stop playing sport) the most challenging times in their adolescent life - do you think there going to come running back to a church that rejected them Some interesting pointers – when a club wins pregnancy rates go up When a club looses – domestic violence goes up Sport impacts our community and if we can impact our sports community - we can impact wider community and nation. BE INTENTIONAL!! Who are in these communities? Fatherless, orphans, widows and the broken are in this community called sport and we have a responsibility to GO and meet it them. The fields are white unto harvest Small things done consistently creates massive change – Zig Ziglar Video 3 min National Sports Sunday


9 A moments revelation demands a different response.
What do you see? A moments revelation demands a different response. WHAT DO YOU SEE? Question: Are we the same as the world or are we culturally different? One moment of revelation will move me, you, us to respond in a totally different way! What we see, will dramatically change our reactions a moment of seeing beyond the natural could be all we need to take us into a new place of fulfilment – See with Gods eyes and be MOVED with COMPASSION! Registered Charity

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