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Crystal structures of RSV G-antibody complexes.

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1 Crystal structures of RSV G-antibody complexes.
Crystal structures of RSV G-antibody complexes. Overall view (top) and zoom-in view (bottom) of the (A) Fab 3D3-RSV G complex, (B) Fab 3D3-RSV G complex, and (C) the scFv 2D10-RSV G complex. In all panels, RSV G is colored cyan, bnmAb heavy chain is colored dark gray, and bnmAb light chain is colored light gray. Water molecules are shown in red. Hydrogen bonds are shown as dashes. Heavy-chain CDRs (HCDR1-3) and light-chain CDRs (LCDR1-3) are labeled. Stanislav O. Fedechkin et al. Sci. Immunol. 2018;3:eaar3534 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works

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