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Sandwell’s Family Group Conferencing Service

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1 Sandwell’s Family Group Conferencing Service
If you are not sure if an Emergency Network Meeting is right for you or your family or not, we would be happy to speak with you about this. We can be contacted by We can arrange to visit you and your family and answer any questions you may have. How you can have your say We need families to tell us what they think about Emergency Network Meetings. We need to know the things we do well and the things we don’t do so well. You will be asked at the end of your meeting to answer a few questions. You may also be contacted at a later date to see if you would like to have some input in how the FGC service can be developed and improved. Your opinions matter to us. We will also be looking for family members willing to talk to other families who are thinking about having an Emergency Network Meeting and who would like to talk to someone who has been through it already. Sandwell’s Family Group Conferencing Service Emergency Network Meetings Leaflet for families Family Group Conference Service The Wellman Building Dudley Road Oldbury B69 3DL Families creating brighter futures Name of Convenor: Contact details:

2 What happens at the meeting
The convenor will go through with the network the reason for the meeting; what is going well and what the worries are. They will discuss the bottom line and the different option that need to be considered. The convenor will make sure that everything is explained fully and simply. The network will then be supported to come up with their plan. Wherever possible the network will be given private network time, where the convenor will leave the family and friends network to have private discussions. No minute's will be taken at the Emergency Network Meeting. The only thing to come out of the meeting will be your networks plan. You can use your plan to take with you to court or any other meetings where it would be useful. The child/children's Social Worker will usually attend the end of the meeting to agree the plan and to answer any questions the family may have. Emergency Network Meetings are offered to families where Sandwell Children’s Trust has asked a Judge to decide what should happen next or in an emergency situation where the family and friends network may be able to come up with a safety plan to help make the worries smaller. The meeting makes sure that families voices are heard and that they are fully involved in the planning and work in partnership with Sandwell Children’s Trust. Emergency Network Meetings are voluntary and although you may be offered one you have a choice whether you think it would be useful or not. If you decide not to have a Emergency Network this should not be used against you in any way. The team who coordinates the Emergency Network Meetings are the Family Group Conference Team. The team consists of Andrea, Shirley, Syrita, Harbinder and Vicky and all of the team are independent (they do not make any decisions about what should happen). A convenor will contact you and offer an Emergency Network Meeting. If you consent, the convenor will talk to you about who is in you and your child’s network and arrange a date and time for the meeting. This will usually happen within 48 hours. You may be asked to contact the people in your network and let them know about the meeting.

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