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“You shall receive Power”

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Presentation on theme: "“You shall receive Power”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “You shall receive Power”
Spiritual gifts

2 Prophecy of Joel fulfilled
Context The Holy Spirit Promise of the Father Pentecost Prophecy of Joel fulfilled Empower us to live victoriously and to manifest His Presence in the world

3 Spiritual gifts Given by the Holy Spirit To build up the Body of Christ Do not neglect the gift Billy Graham

4 God’s grace to others exercised through the gifts

5 Natural Talents different from Spiritual Gifts

6 Gift of Tongues Prized by the Corinthian Church
Everyone wanted to speak – disorder in Service No one understood

7 For personal edification (without interpretation)
For edification of Body (with interpretation)

8 Use the gift for personal edification
Desire it, ask God for it.

9 Gift of interpretation of tongues
Complements the gift of tongues Given to either the tongue speaker or to another

10 Gift of Prophecy OT prophets – God’s messengers.
Claim to speak the very words from God & with God’s authority. Often spoke in the first person e.g. 1 Kings 20:13; Isa. 45:5

11 “Prophet” in NT context.
NT counterparts – Apostles Range of meanings Do not claim to speak the very words of God or with divine authority Speak in human words what the Holy Spirit impressed upon them Weigh what the prophet said

12 With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, anyone can prophecy since everyone could be filled with the Holy Spirit

13 Levels of prophetic gifting
Simple prophecy Prophetic gifting Prophetic ministry Prophetic office

14 Prophecy is: Spontaneous Spirit-filled message delivered in a public meeting Intended for the edification or encouragement of the church.

15 3 fold process involved in giving prophecy:
Receiving the revelation Interpreting it accurately Application

16 Embrace the prophetic “…desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy” (1 Cor. 14:1); “Desire earnestly to prophecy” (1 Cor. 14:39a) “Do not despise prophesy” (1 Thess. 5:20)

17 Pursue the things of the Spirit Ask for spiritual sight
Stay spiritually alert “Don’t settle for the ordinary life that lacks power, joy and meaning….” (Charles F. Stanley)

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