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Lord of the Flies Chapters 4-6 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of the Flies Chapters 4-6 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of the Flies Chapters 4-6 Vocabulary

2 Chapter 4 Blatant (58) Ravenously (66) Dubious (59) Malevolently (71)
Chronic (59) Parody (72) Impalpable (61) Detritus (61) Myriad (61) Taboo (62) Tacitly (65)

3 Chapter 5 Apex (77) Vivid (85) Derisive (86) Effigy (87)
Inarticulate (89) Incantation (94)

4 Chapter 6 Tremulously (99) Emphatic (101) Obscured (103)
Diffidently (103) Impenetrable (104) Chasms (105) Leviathan (105 Taut (107)

5 Blatant (page 58) Extremely obvious.

6 Dubious (page 59) Doubtful.

7 Chronic (page 59) Constant; continuing over a long period of time.

8 Impalpable (page 61) Difficult to imagine.

9 Detritus (page 61) Small pieces of material; debris.

10 Myriad (page 61) A great number.

11 Taboo (page 62) Something forbidden or looked down upon by society.

12 Tacitly (page 65) Understood without having to be spoken out loud.

13 Ravenously (page 66) Extremely hungry or eager for satisfaction.

14 Malevolently (page 71) Acting in a way to do evil or harm to another.

15 Parody (page 72) A humorous imitation.

16 Apex (page 77) The tip or summit; highest point.

17 Vivid (page 85) Strikingly bright or intense.

18 Derisive (page 86) Showing contempt; mocking.

19 Effigy (page 87) A representation.

20 Inarticulate (page 89) Unable to speak or express.

21 Incantation (page 94) Repetitive chanting of words, usually supposed to have magical powers.

22 Tremulously (page 99) Trembling, as from fear, nervousness, or weakness.

23 Emphatic (page101) Forceful; insistent.

24 Obscured (page 103) Hidden.

25 Diffidently (page 103) Acting without confidence or trust.

26 Impenetrable (page 104) Inaccessible.

27 Chasms (page 105) Wide spaces.

28 Leviathan (page 105) A huge sea animal.

29 Taut (page 107) Tight.

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