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8th Grade Vocabulary 1st Set

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1 8th Grade Vocabulary 1st Set
Lanky, rucksack, plodding, contempt, sneering, obstinate, hoodlums, sabotage, impassive, trousseau

2 1. lanky Lanky (adj) – ungracefully thin and tall
Sample sentence: Most models are lanky. Synonyms – think, slender, slim, skinny

3 2. rucksack rucksack (noun): a bag with should straps that allow it to be carried on someone’s back; a backpack Sample sentence: Unaccustomed to the weight of the rucksack on her back, she almost toppled over at the first step of the stairwell. Synonyms: backpack

4 3. plodding Plodding (adj.) – slow-moving and unexciting Sample Sentence: We were plodding through the mud that came up past our ankles. Synonyms: trudge, clump, stomp, tramp, lumber

5 4. contempt contempt(n.): the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving of scorn. Sample Sentence: He showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly. Synonyms: disdain, scorn, loathing, hatred

6 5. sneering sneering (verb): to express scornful amusement by means of facial contortions Sample Sentence: She sneered at me in disgust. Synonyms: snicker, laugh, jeer, mock

7 6. obstinate obstinate (adj): sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion Sample Sentence: The child was obstinate about wanting that specific toy, despite being offered several others. Synonyms: adamant, bullheaded, hard

8 7. hoodlums hoodlums (noun): a violent, brutal person who is often a member of an organized gang Sample Sentence: A couple of hoodlums held up the convenience store. Synonyms: gangster, goon, hooligan

9 8. sabotage sabotage (verb): deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage. Sample Sentence: They were hired to sabotage the competition. Synonyms: vandalize, wreck, damage

10 9. impassive impassive (adjective): unsusceptible to pain; giving no sign of feeling or emotion Sample Sentence: Her face remained impassive throughout the trial. Synonyms: cold-blooded, emotionless

11 10. trousseau trousseau (noun): the personal possessions of a bride usually including clothes, accessories, and household linens and wares. Sample Sentence: Few disputed that a bride's personal items, her trousseau, went with her.

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