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QuickServe Online Warranty Training

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1 QuickServe Online Warranty Training
Warranty Tab QuickServe Online Warranty Training Warranty Manuals Warranty Alerts & Memos Campaigns & TRPs Account Team Coverage What’s New Standard Repair Times (SRTs) RAPIDSERVE Related Information

2 Click the Warranty tab to view the Warranty page.
Menu Warranty Tab Click the Warranty tab to view the Warranty page. The information on the Warranty page is organized into minor tabs for better accessibility. The Manuals Tab is the default tab on this page.

3 Warranty Menu Warranty Manuals The Warranty Administration Manual contains warranty information for engines and parts. The Warranty Failure Code Manual contains information on the Failure Codes that are required when submitting a Warranty Claim.

4 Warranty Menu Warranty Alerts & Memos Warranty Alerts are documents used to communicate changes in warranty coverage, practices and procedures. Warranty Memos are designed for communicating information related to Cummins that does not directly impact the Warranty Administration Manual. Click on one of the links to see the details of a specific Alert or Memo.

5 Service Menu Campaigns and TRPs A Cummins Field Campaign is a set of proactive repair instructions to be followed on a specified population of engines. Engines identified in a Campaign are expected to be located so that modifications can be performed prior to a failure and within a specified period of time or limit of operation. A Cummins Temporary Repair Practice (TRP) is a set of repair instructions to be followed on a specified population of engines, if those engines have failures or complaints consistent with the ones identified in the TRP document. TRPs are fix as fail, not proactive like Campaigns, and are typically approved to avoid the future product coverage or policy cost associated with multiple failures from the same cause. When the text of the Campaign and TRP tabs is red, this means that there are active Campaigns and TRPs for this engine. If it appears grey, there are no active Campaigns or TRPs.

6 Click on the number to open a Campaign or TRP.
Service Menu Campaigns and TRPs Click on the number to open a Campaign or TRP. Once opened, the Campaigns and TRPs show details of the repair practices along with any pertinent information and a list of the ESNs that are covered.

7 Click here for detailed information about an ATC.
Warranty Menu Account Team Coverages  Account   Team   Coverage  (ATC) is a set of repair instructions to be followed on a population of engines installed in specific OEM applications. Each published ATC will provide specific documentation including the claim filing criteria and repair details. If an engine has applicable ATC, the details of the  coverage  will be displayed in the same area as Campaigns/TRPs on QuickServe Online (QSOL). If an engine has an active or open ATC the text on the mini tab will appear in red. Click here for detailed information about an ATC.

8 Click here to see the Change History for the manual listed.
Warranty Menu What’s New The What’s New mini tab lists recent changes to the publications that apply to the engine you have entered into QuickServe Online. Click here to see the Change History for the manual listed. Choose “All” and click “Search” to see the recent publication changes to all engines.

9 Warranty Menu Standard Repair Times (SRTs) Standard Repair Times (SRTs) are lists of work tasks (procedures) and the time required to perform those tasks. These links offer more detailed information about SRTs and how to use them.

10 Choose the Manufacturer, Model, and Group to view the available SRTs.
Warranty Menu Standard Repair Times (SRTs) Choose the Manufacturer, Model, and Group to view the available SRTs. Click on the procedure number to view the SRT.

11 The SRT will appear here.
Warranty Menu Standard Repair Times (SRTs) The SRT will appear here. This section lists all of the steps that are included in this SRT. If you wish to report errors with Standard Repair Times, Global Standard Quotes, and/or Service Accessibility Ratings, click here and follow the directions.

12 Click here to go to the RAPIDSERVE website.
Warranty Menu RAPIDSERVE The RAPIDSERVE mini tab contains many links that contain information and training files to help you with the RAPIDSERVE website and filing claims. Click here to go to the RAPIDSERVE website.

13 Warranty Menu Warranty Tab The Related Information mini tab is divided into two sections: Warranty Applications and Warranty Documents. Here you can find helpful links like World Wide Extended Coverage, Enhanced Parts Return Program, and Oil Consumption Reports.

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