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Effects of vps13Δ on phosphatidic acid in the prospore membrane.

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1 Effects of vps13Δ on phosphatidic acid in the prospore membrane.
Effects of vps13Δ on phosphatidic acid in the prospore membrane. (A) Wild-type (AN120) or vps13Δ (HI29) cells expressing both an integral membrane marker for the prospore membrane, DTR1-GFP, and the PA sensor RFP-Spo2051–91 were examined during sporulation. Arrows indicate Dtr1–GFP marked prospore membranes that lack RFP fluorescence. (B) Quantification of Dtr1–GFP and RFP–Spo2051–91 colocalization in the strains in A. At least 110 prospore membranes were scored in two independent experiments. (C) Wild-type (AN120) or vps13Δ (HI29) cells transformed with both pRS424-DTR1-GFP and pRS426-RFP-Spo2051–91-SPO14 were analyzed as in B. (D) The diameter of the prospore membrane was measured in post-meiotic wild-type (AN120) or vps13Δ (HI29) cells overexpressing the indicated genes. More than 100 prospore membranes were measured for each strain. The numbers given are the average diameter ± one standard deviation. Scale bar: 1 µm. Jae-Sook Park, and Aaron M. Neiman J Cell Sci 2012;125: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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