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English III - Vocabulary Lesson 9

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Presentation on theme: "English III - Vocabulary Lesson 9"— Presentation transcript:

1 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 9
abridge invoke emendation lucrative finality shrew garrulous supercilious impromptu verbose

2 abridge Verb To shorten the number of words; to condense

3 emendation Noun A correction; a change in written text

4 finality Noun Conclusiveness; end result

5 garrulous Adjective Very talkative; outgoing

6 impromptu Adjective Spontaneous; unrehearsed

7 invoke Verb To call upon (a higher power); to call forth

8 lucrative Adjective profitable; money-making

9 shrew Noun A mouse-like animal; a nagging woman

10 supercilious Adjective Conceited; aloof; haughty

11 verbose Adjective Using or containing more words than necessary

12 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 10
affable intangible bolster reciprocate expletive subterfuge furor tawdry idiomatic wistful

13 affable Adjective Friendly; pleasant; easy to talk to

14 bolster Noun - A long, narrow pillow; anything used as a support
Verb - to prop up; support; boost

15 expletive Noun An oath or exclamation; a curse word

16 furor Noun anger; rage

17 idiomatic Adjective Words of a particular language

18 intangible Adjective Vague; not material; not easily defined

19 reciprocate Verb To give, do, or take in return; to move with a backward-forward motion

20 subterfuge Noun A trick; deception

21 tawdry Adjective Cheap or tacky

22 wistful Adjective Wishful; full of longing

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