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Presentation on theme: "Truth Respect SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE:"— Presentation transcript:

Having esteem and reverence for self and others, based on the recognition of the truth of God in all. QUOTE: “Respect all others as your kith and kin, having the same divine spark and the same divine nature.. You can realize your mission on earth only when you know yourself as Divine and when you revere all others as Divine. You must revere God in the form of man: God appears before you as a blind beggar, an idiot, a leper, a child, a decrepit old man, a criminal or a madman. Look behind those veils for the divine embodiment of Love, Power and Wisdom - the Sai – and worship Him through service(seva).” – SSS 10:2, 11; Delhi,

2 Truth Respect PRAYER: 1. Asatho ma Sadgamaya 2. Thus I am born.
Thamaso ma Jyothir Gamaya Mrthyor ma Amritham Gamaya Om shanthi shanthi shanthi. (From untruth, lead us to Truth. From darkness, lead us to Light, From death, lead us to Immortality. Om, peace, peace, peace.) 2. Thus I am born. Make me speak soft, sweet words; Make me behave comfortingly toward all; Let me do deeds that shower happiness on all, And form ideas in my mind that are beneficial to all. May this day be made worthwhile by Thy service.”

3 Truth Respect Affirmation :
I will respect everyone and everything for God is in all. Silent Sitting: All students are requested to sit in a comfortable position. Keep your hands on the table or your lap. Do deep breathing. Breath in……breathe out…..Breathe in …… breathe out…….

4 Truth Respect SONG: Everyone is my brother when I say Sairam, Sairam, Sairam No more difference between us when I say Sairam, Sairam, Sairam Sairam, Sairam, Baba help me always say Sairam Sairam, Sairam, every day please help us say Sairam Only lightness surrounds me when I say Sairam, Sairam, Sairam No more darkness surrounds me when I say Sairam, Sairam, Sairam (Sairam, Sairam...)

5 Truth Respect Story:

What did you understand from the video? Have you been disrespected ever before? How do you show respect at home, school and community?

7 Truth Respect Group Activity:
Make up a small song or a skit about respect.

Share a few instances from your own life where you showed respect. Make a note of the challenges faced (if any) in a your spiritual diary.

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