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CSEPs SPA Rejections January – August 2007

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1 CSEPs SPA Rejections January – August 2007

2 CSEPs SPA rejection totals
Records received January – August 2007: 295,280 Records rejected in this period: 137,247 46.48% rejection rate

3 Top 6 Rejection Reasons – 93% of total
Of 137,247 rejections: 60,028 (43.74%) CSP01 – CSEP does not exist 28,873 (21.04%) LMP03 – LMN is not live 12,050 (8.78%) AQ03 – No change to supply point count or AQ 10,673 (7.78%) AQ04 – Max CSEP AQ exceeded 9,799 (7.14%) LMP01 – EUC incorrect for LMN 6,213 (4.54%) LMP06 – A live or pending meter is present

4 Level of reporting Rejections are reported at line level
This can inflate the rejection figures: If a file is resubmitted weekly without the error being corrected, each month could contain up to five rejections for one item CSP01 rejections could be incurred for one project but multiple shippers, further increasing the reported figures

5 60,028 CSP01 – CSEP does not exist
Resolution: xoserve manually process rejections to enable resubmitted updates to accept Current position: drop in June, increasing since

6 CSP01 – project level Between June and August there were 26,465 lines of CSP01 rejections At project level, this equates to 2,175 distinct projects

7 28,873 LMP03 – LMN is not live 7,312 lines between June and August equate to 6,140 LMNs Resolution: IGTs should not send updates for non live LMNs Current position: significant reduction in July and August

8 9,799 LMP01 – EUC incorrect for LMN
7,690 lines between June and August – 3,246 LMNs Resolution: IGTs should send updates using the EUC held by xoserve Current position: large increase May, peak in June, some reduction since

9 12,050 AQ03 – No change to supply point count or AQ
2,310 rejections between June and August equate to 1,061 LMNs Resolution: IGTs should not send updates that do not change SPA data

10 10,673 AQ04 – Max CSEP AQ exceeded
1,005 rejections between June and August – only 94 projects Resolution: xoserve will process rejections to enable updates to accept, where AQs have been increased with DNs Resolution: IGTs examine whether updates are valid (duplicate LMNs?) Current position: peak Jan/Feb, very low volumes since

11 6,231 LMP06 – A live or pending meter is present
Resolution: IGTs should not submit new domestic sites where an LMN already exists for project/shipper combination Current position: volumes vary each month, large peak in August

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