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Accessing teacher webpages

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1 Accessing teacher webpages
All 40f modules that are being taught will be available on my teacher webpage: C. Bauer On the KEC webpage…go to teacher sites Username: kecuser Password: Reivers1

2 Grade 12 Module B: Fitness Management
Lesson 1: Making & Continuing Change Lesson 2: Health & Fitness Trends Lesson 3: Exercise & Fitness Myths & Misconceptions Lesson 4: Health & Fitness Advertising Lesson 5: Becoming an Informed Consumer

3 Making and Continuing Change: A Personal Investment
Module B Lesson 1 Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles

4 Strategies for change Stage 1- Pre-comtemplation
Stage 2- Contemplation Stage 3- Preparation/Decision Stage 4- Action Stage 5- Maintenance

5 Stage 1- Pre-contemplation “No intention of making a change”
Person is not considering a change because they don’t see their physical inactivity as a problem. Understanding the consequences of inactivity and realizing making change is in your control and allows you to move to stage 2.

6 Stage 2- Contemplation “Thinking about making a change”
Individual is more aware of the benefits of change and being active. Realize that sacrifices must be made. Realizing that positive health gains will be achieved is the key for moving forward.

7 Stage 3- Preparation/Decision “Getting ready to make a change”
Establishing fitness & exercise goals Finding ways to get started (ie. Activity wear, finding a workout buddy, finding a facility) Goals will be established in future lessons.

8 Stage 4- Action “Making the change”
People will initiate their plan Find ways to stay motivated Incorporate a reward system New behaviors will begin to substitute for problematic behaviors

9 Stage 5- Maintenance “Working at keeping the change”
Similar to the action stage except that the person is able to maintain the behavior for a minimum of 6 months. People are focused on staying on their action plan and not going back to their previous behavior.

10 Barriers to overcome 1. Time 2. Energy 3. Motivation Others include:
Cost, Facility, Injury/Illness, Transportation

11 Reflect on the past year
Over the past year, many of you have made significant gains in your physical fitness Others have either maintained their fitness or have made little change in behavior Part of this program is designed to reflect on your physical fitness, some of your behaviors and assess whether change needs to occur in order to be healthy beyond high school.

12 Begin the process of self-assessment by completing RM1-FM Physical Activity Experiences: Review and Reflect Questionaire (in your booklet)

13 Goal Setting Why is goal setting important?
Gives you direction/purpose Motivation Reward system Ability to evaluate

14 Goal Setting Complete RM 3-FM: Steps to Goal Setting (in your booklet)
Complete the goal summary and establish some goals for this semester/year

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