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3 Components of Oganization Development

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1 3 Components of Oganization Development
Three concepts that are key to understanding the process of Organization Development (OD) are: Change, Organizational Culture, and Intergroup Development Interventions. OD is always about changing an organization in some way. It almost always involves changing some aspect of its culture. To change its culture will involve changing the way groups interact with one another.

2 Change Culture Analysis Intergroup Development Interventions

3 The Change Process

4 New Direction for Organization
Planned Change OD involves primarily planned change, but it remains open and responsive to reactionary change throughout the process. It redirects an organization on a different path to the same or a new destination. New Direction for Organization

5 Resistance to the Change Process
Unfreezing (Anxiety) Moving (Psychological Safety) Refreezing (Stabilizing) Resistance is always an element in the change process. It should be expected in any change initiative. Three steps in overcoming resistance are: Unfreezing, Moving, and Refreezing. Unfreezing is the process of creating disequilibrium to create the desire for change through anxiety. In the moving stages, psychological safety is created to assist people with the anxiety caused by change. It provides comfort through vehicles like counseling, mentoring, and training. Refreezing is returning the environment back to a stabilized position. Resistance to the Change Process

6 Cultural Change

7 Who are we. What are our shared assumptions. How do we behave
Who are we? What are our shared assumptions? How do we behave? What do we value? What do we believe? The culture of an organization is the essence of an organization. It is not who they say they are. It is who they are based upon what they actually do. Organizational culture is a blended impartation of the shared values and beliefs of its founders and leaders, and its members. An analysis of culture enables an organization to see the reality of who they are as opposed to who they believe they are. Cultural Analysis

8 Casting New Vision New Attitudes New Commitment New Future
To change the culture of an organization or even a subsystem within an organization often means presenting the group with a new vision and new goals. Casting New Vision

9 Reinforcing New Culture
Rewards Recognition Promotion To establish a new culture requires rewarding, recognizing, and promoting those who embrace the new culture. Reinforcing New Culture

10 Intergroup Development Interventions

11 The Goals of Intergroup Development Interventions
Reduce conflict between groups Open communication channels Develop greater collaboration among groups Organizations accomplish their goals primarily through the coordinated work of divisions and departments. Conflict is a natural and normal part of group interaction, that must be controlled and redirected to prevent it from interfering with organizational productivity and effectiveness. The Goals of Intergroup Development Interventions

12 Causes of group conflicts
Cultural Diversity Different goals Varied backgrounds and experiences Causes of group conflicts

13 Five-step Process Share perceptions Clarification of perceptions
Feedback and further discussion Diagnosis and problem-solving Evaluation of progress Five-step Process

14 Management By Objective (MBO)
Integrates employee goals with goals of company Clarifies goals of company Increases employee motivation Management by objectives is a major goal-setting tool for group interventions. By integrating the goals of the employee with the goals of the organization, it motivates the employee who results in improved performance. Management By Objective (MBO)

15 MBO Four-Step Process Agreement on goals Action plans Progress reviews
Evaluation MBO Four-Step Process

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