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OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should: 1.Define abstract and concrete nouns. 2.Give examples. 3. Differentiate between abstract and concrete.

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2 OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should: 1.Define abstract and concrete nouns. 2.Give examples. 3. Differentiate between abstract and concrete nouns. 4.Use them in sentences. 5. Know the difference between an abstract noun and verb. 6. Form abstract nouns from adjectives,verbs and common nouns.


4 CONCRETE NOUNS -Nouns that can be identified through one of the five senses: Taste, smell, sight, hearing, or touch. -are something physical. EXAMPLES: Phone Jacket Lamb Mirror Laptop Notebook

5 What is that noise ? Even though noise can’t be touched, you can hear the noise, so it’s a concrete noun.

6 Common Concrete Nounsdog, cat, girl, plate air, water Countable Concrete Nouns Singular: chair, computer, song Plural: chairs, computers, songs Uncountable Concrete Nouns air, oil, sugar, salt, rice, cheese Proper NounsMr. Mike Jones, Tom Brown Concrete nouns can also be common nouns, countable/uncountable nouns and proper nouns.

7 ABSTRACT NOUNS - nouns that cannot be perceived using one of the five senses : taste, touch, sight, hearing, smelling. -is a quality, a concept, an idea, or an event. EXAMPLES: Past Love Sadness Freedom

8 Jimmy has a weakness for chocolate cake.

9 FeelingStateEmotionQualityConceptIdeaEvent FearMiseryAngerBeautyComfortInterestBirthday PainPeaceHateHonestyEnergyThoughtFuture

10 Some words might function as verbs in some cases and abstract nouns in other cases. For example the word Love. I love my husband. -> the word love expresses an action and is acting as a verb. Send them my love. -> here ‘love’ functions as an abstract noun because it is a thing that exists beyond the five senses.

11 From adjectives: Kindness from kind Bravery from brave Illness from ill Honesty from honest

12 From verbs: Growth from grow Pleasure from please From common nouns: Childhood from child Slavery from slave

13 EXERCISE: Identify the abstract nouns in the sentences below. 1.There should be clarity to avoid any misunderstanding. 2.Helping others is the real joy of life. 3.I hate bad and lazy people as they never want to work. 4.I love my parents and grandparents as they care for me a lot.

14 EXERCISE: Identify the concrete nouns in the sentences below. 1. Our class graduates two years from now. 2. Happiness is like a soft bunny. 3. Natalie likes eating chocolate. 4. My mom bought me a blue notebook. 5. I am going to visit my grandparents this week.

15 Exercise Form abstract nouns from the following adjectives. 1. Long ————————– 2. Strong ————————– 3. Young ————————– 4. Dark ————————– 5. Wise ————————–



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