Interference of Lnp domains with the formation of stacked bicelles.

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1 Interference of Lnp domains with the formation of stacked bicelles.
Interference of Lnp domains with the formation of stacked bicelles. (A) Purified full-length Xenopus Lnp was mixed with phospholipids and a five-fold molar excess of purified cytoplasmic domain of Lnp (cytLnp) or buffer. After removal of detergent with Bio-Beads, the sample was visualized by negative-stain EM. Scale bar, 20 nm. (B) As in (A), except that cytLnp was added after reconstitution of full-length Lnp. (C) As in (A), except that cytLnp was replaced by a C-terminal fragment containing the Zn2+-finger. (D) As in (A), except that cytLnp was replaced by an N-terminal fragment containing the CC2 and P domains. (E) As in (A), except that cytLnp was replaced by an N-terminal fragment containing only the P domain. Songyu Wang et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Wang et al

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