New HR Educator Effectiveness Field Organization

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Presentation on theme: "New HR Educator Effectiveness Field Organization"— Presentation transcript:

1 New HR Educator Effectiveness Field Organization
This webinar was created to support districts for the school year but is helpful information as districts determine their local evaluation system data collection system needs. Spring 2019

2 Understanding the “What”
Changes will be phased in to the Educator Effectiveness ratings Staff Profile file layout in the HR collection for teachers, principals, and Special Services Providers in and more significant changes in These changes may require modifications to local data collection systems.

3 Understanding the “Why”
By collecting Quality Standard and Overall Effectiveness ratings separately across these three groups, Districts will have the opportunity to report more accurate data, specifically teacher and SSP groups, as it relates to evaluation ratings. CDE will have an opportunity to differentiate these groups for reporting purposes at the state level. CDE will be able to report more accurate ratings in the Educator Effectiveness Metrics, released annually.

4 Understanding What Has Changed
All districts and BOCES must report ratings for teachers, principals, and special service providers (SSPs) on each Quality Standard. Changes to these Standards are reflected in the chart below: Teacher Implemented in Evaluations Collected in HR Principal Implemented in evaluation Collected in HR SSP  Number of Quality Standards Former Revised 6 5 7

5 Summary of Staff Profile Timeline and Changes
Reporting Year HR (this past year, for reference) Teacher and SSP data reported together in 7 fields Principal data reported in 8 fields Reporting Year HR (NO change in the file layout) Teacher and SSP data reported together in 7 fields, BUT QS 5 IS FILLED WITH 00 FOR TEACHERS No changes to SSP reporting No changes to Principal reporting Reporting Year HR (NEW file layout) Teachers and SSPs reported separately 6 fields for Teachers, 6 fields for SSPs Principals reported in 6 fields Original QS 6 for Teachers and original QS 7 for Principals now referred to as Measures of Student Learning (MSL); Original QS 6 for SSPs now referred to as Measures of Student Outcomes (MSO)

6 Staff Profile Layout Changes and Timeline
For evaluations conducted in and reported in HR , there is no change to the file layout, but the way teacher data are reported is different. For evaluations conducted in and reported in HR , the file layout changes to reflect the updates to the educator quality standards approved by the state board.

7 2020-2021 Staff Profile Layout: Teachers
Name of Field Field Length Text Start Position Text End Position CSV order Excel Column Examples Remarks Teacher Overall Performance Evaluation Rating* 2 144 145 28 AB2 02 Required for all teachers, librarians, and interventionists (job class codes , 216, 222 and 223). Teacher Quality Standard 1: Content Expertise* 146 147 29 AC2 Teacher Quality Standard 2: Learning Environment* 148 149 30 AD2 Teacher Quality Standard 3: Facilitate Learning* 150 151 31 AE2 Teacher Quality Standard 4: Professionalism* 152 153 32 AF2 Teacher Measures of Student Learning* 154 155 33 AG2 Fields highlighted in yellow in the staff profile layout are new fields to the collection.

8 2020-2021 Staff Profile Layout: SSPs
Name of Field Field Length Text Start Position Text End Position CSV order Excel Column Examples Remarks Special Services Provider (SSP) Overall Performance Evaluation Rating* 2 156 157 34 AH2 02 Required for all Special Services Provider (SSPs); job class codes (211, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, and 242). Special Services Provider (SSP) Quality Standard 1: Professional Expertise* 158 159 35 AI2 Special Services Provider (SSP) Quality Standard 2: Learning Environment* 160 161 36 AJ2 Special Services Provider (SSP) Quality Standard 3: High Quality Service Delivery* 162 163 37 AK2 Special Services Provider (SSP) Quality Standard 4: Professionalism* 164 165 38 AL2 Special Services Provider (SSP) Measures of Student Outcomes* 166 167 39 AM2

9 2020-2021 Staff Profile Layout: Principals
Name of Field Field Length Text Start Position Text End Position CSV order Excel Column Examples Remarks Principal Overall Performance Evaluation Rating* 2 168 169 40 AN2 02 Required for all principals and asst. principals, job class codes 105 & 106 Principal Quality Standard 1: Strategy* 170 171 41 AO2 Principal Quality Standard 2: Culture* 172 173 42 AP2 Principal Quality Standard 3: Instruction* 174 175 43 AQ2 Principal Quality Standard 4: Professionalism* 176 177 44 AR2 Required for all principals and asst. principals, job class codes 105, 106 Principal Measures of Student Learning* 178 179 45 AS2 02 

10 Questions? For questions regarding the revised Teacher, Principal, or Special Services Provider Standards, please contact the Educator Effectiveness Office at: For questions regarding the completion of these revised fields in the HR collection, please contact Carolyn Haug, Molly Gold, or Annette Severson at:

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