Octet Exceptions & VSEPR Model

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1 Octet Exceptions & VSEPR Model
March 5, 2007

2 More Octet Exceptions Some molecules have too many electrons to hold to the octet rules. SF6 is an example Only elements in period 3 and higher can exceed the octet rule. If there is a question as to where the extra electrons go, put them on the central atom. XeCl2

3 VSEPR Model Predicting the 3-D molecular structure of an atom.
The model attempts to minimize electron-pair repulsions. Begin with the Lewis Structure! Predict the arrangement of the electron pairs to minimize repulsions. Determine the positions of the bonded atoms. Determine the molecular structure name.

4 4 Electron Groups Tetrahedral arrangement NOT 90º 109.5º angle

5 4 Electron Groups (1 lone pair)
NH3 (ammonia)

6 4 Electron Groups (2 Lone Pairs)
H2O (water)

7 Lone Pairs and Bond Angles
The more lone pairs, the smaller the bond angle.

8 Exam Practice Which of the following molecules or ions has the smallest bond angle? or the largest? a. H2O b. HCN c. O3 d. CH4 e. NO3 smallest largest

9 5 Electron Groups PCl5 – trigonal bipyramid
bond angles of 90, 120 (and 180)

10 6 Electron Groups

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