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‘WHY WORRY’ Part 2.

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1 ‘WHY WORRY’ Part 2

2 Based on the teachings of His Divine Grace
A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA International Society of Krishna Consciousness

3 Three Questions 1. Who by worrying can add an hour to your life?
2. Who have worried so much, taken off life expectancy (and that of spouse)? 3.Does it enhance anything you consider more important than life?

4 Misplaced Devotion Take away the mystery of worry
Worry comes from the point of your greatest devotion I don’t worry about your job, your kids grades, your retirement

5 Shift in Devotion What would happen to your worry?

6 One Day at a Time Today was hard, tomorrow will be harder still, yet God has kindly placed between: sunset sky, sleep’s downy wings, & a dawn that sings, that we may face with tranquil heart, each day apart.

7 Do Not Worry, I Am with You
The Lord does not give us strength to face tomorrow’s problems today. He gives us strength to face today’s problems today.

8 Trust in Krishna Fill out applications, knock on doors, study hard, work hard, do your best, set goals Once you’ve done all you can do in the NOW, say, am I not more than the birds And look at all I have done I don’t need to worry about the next now.

9 Trust No Future Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant! Let the dead Past bury its dead! Act, -- act in the living Present! Heart within, and God o'erhead! Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

10 Capacity We may doubt an ordinary man, because we know the capacity of an ordinary man. But when Krishna says that "I take charge of you," then how much relief you should feel.” NOD

11 Mrigrari the Hunter The hunter said, ‘If I break my bow, how shall I maintain myself?’ Narada Muni replied, ‘Do not worry. I shall supply all your food every day.’

12 Mrigrari the Hunter The source of our income is not actually the source of our maintenance. Every living being—from the great Brahma down to an insignificant ant—is being maintained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman. The one Supreme Being, Krishna, maintains everyone. Our so-called source of income is our own choice

13 8, Species Maintained We cannot conceive how many living entities are being maintained by the Supreme Lord Elephants…..Ants Why do we worry that He will not maintain us? Those who are devotees of the Lord and have taken shelter at His lotus feet, leaving everything aside simply to render service unto Him, will certainly be cared for. In our Krishna consciousness movement, we have over four hundred centers, and Krishna is maintaining them all. None of our devotees are employed for independent incomes, yet they are all being maintained. TLK Vs 2 What If? Have I helped myself worrying, increased my life? Can you by worrying in this now, bring certainty to the next now? If you’re worrying isn’t going to get you anywhere, GOT AN IDEA

14 What If? Have I helped myself worrying, increased my life?
Can you by worrying in this now, bring certainty to the next now? If you’re worrying isn’t going to get you anywhere, GOT AN IDEA


16 Full Satisfaction “A devotee finds full satisfaction in reverently worshiping his Lord, appreciating His personal features. And while rapt in worshiping the Lord, a Vaishnava does not worry much about his own sustenance. In modern cities, by contrast, earning one's livelihood has become an exaggerated endeavor that takes one's full energy, day and night, leaving no time left for God, except perhaps on Sunday, the day of rest.” MMS

17 Done All I Know To Do.. If Krishna loves me that much & I’ve
done all that I know to do, sowed reaped, stored in barns…

18 Next Now If I do all I can in the NOW - what I have control over, can Krishna be trusted in the next now which I have no control over, and if so, I’m not going to worry

19 Labor of Love "To those who worship Me with devotion, meditating on My transcendental form, I carry what they lack and preserve what they have.” Mr. Lahart: But you still have to go out and ask occasionally, don't you? •Bali Mardana: Well, it is not that we sit back and wait for Krishna to send things to us. • Srila Prabhupafa: Yes, we don't sit down idly. We are not idle preachers. We are working very hard, harder than ordinary people. BTG 1976

20 No Crystal Ball Not going to stop worrying because I know what’s going to happen tomorrow, I’m going to stop worrying because I’m trusting the only one who can do something about it tomorrow.

21 Lilies of the Field If that’s how Krishna clothes grass and flowers, who do not sew and spin will he not do much more to cloth us?

22 Greater vs. Lesser If Krishna has given you life, will he not also give you food & drink? If He gave the greater thing, will He not also give the lesser? If He gave you the body, will He not also give clothes? If a father gives basketball court, will he not give basketball?

23 Devotion & Faith Importance of eating and clothes not discounted
Point we shouldn’t be devoted to them

24 Confidence Worriers express little faith in Krishna’s willingness & ability to take care of them I know God, can, but will he? Trust..issue of worry is an issue of faith

25 Prahlad Maharaj “Prahlada was confident that he could not be killed, since he was protected by the Supreme Lord. By appearing from the pillar, the Lord encouraged His devotee, saying in effect, "Don't worry. I am present here." By manifesting His form as Nrsimadeva, the Lord also preserved the truth of Lord Brahma's promise.”

26 Bifurcating Hiranya Kashipu

27 Cat & Kitten

28 News Flash Not a single second of your life has there been certainty
You’ve not had ability to determine any point of your future Sometimes with health, economy, job, we become more aware of the uncertainty, nothing new

29 Has Krishna Changed? Economy has changed, job changed, family changed

30 Stuff Maybe stuff shouldn’t hold so much control over my devotion
Is being devoted to your stuff life?

31 Controlling the Mind “For one who has conquered the mind, he has attained tranquility. For him the mind is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to control the mind, it will be his greatest enemy.” Gita 6/7

32 Controlling the Mind If Krishna asks us to stop worrying, we have to assume there’s a way to do that, and He’s leading us on that journey.

33 Content in the Now Not because we have more control of the future, but because our faith has gotten bigger.

34 Please Chant… Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

35 Follow Up All Audios & Power points available for download at

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