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Keys to a (Really) Successful New Supervisor Training Program

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Presentation on theme: "Keys to a (Really) Successful New Supervisor Training Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keys to a (Really) Successful New Supervisor Training Program
By Kevin Eikenberry Chief Potential Officer The Kevin Eikenberry Group

2 Why Does This Matter? The organization can’t grow and thrive without it Nothing happens without it Do you want the status quo? Leadership is leverage The best place to start is at the beginning

3 Why Now? Flatter organizations Experience drain Millennials
Change in tech and expectations Faster change overall

4 What are your challenges?

5 It’s Broken The issues we’ve just identified The insanity problem
Increasing the rate of insanity

6 Consider This Investment Model
Have vague or even undefined desired outcomes Have few or no measurements (or the wrong ones) Because it is important you keep investing

7 What do you think?

8 This is how most develop new supervisors . . .
Have vague or even undefined desired outcomes

9 This is how most develop new supervisors . . .
Have few or no measurements (or the wrong ones)

10 This is how most develop new supervisors . . .
Keep investing blindly or stop completely

11 Which leads to . . . Flavor of the Month Spray and pray
Changing horses (programs/gurus/experts) Looking for the magic bullet Glimmers of hope Resignation Giving up


13 The title of this webinar is a lie

14 Keys to a (Really) Successful New Supervisor Training Program

15 Keys to Developing (Really) Successful New Supervisors

16 Keys to Developing (Really) Successful New Leaders

17 The Keys I Promised Clear goals Successful selection
Clear expectations Complete engagement/integration Process not event

18 Clear Goals Why do we want to develop supervisors?
What outcomes do we desire? Short-term Long-term What does success look like?

19 Successful Selection Selection criteria Start sooner
Dialogue with potential candidates Clear inbound expectations

20 Clear Expectations

21 Complete Engagement? Individual Leader Organization

22 Complete Engagement = Integration
Expectations clear across . . . Individual Leadership Organization


24 Process, not Event Leadership involvement
Integrated with work & systems Includes engagement strategies Flexible Interactive design Accountability built in Coaching & mentoring Feedback & benchmarking Action planning Application focused

25 Where Are You? Clear goals Successful selection Clear expectations
Complete engagement/integration Process not event

26 Important! You can’t afford not to do this You can’t do it alone
You can’t completely outsource it


28 Free 15-Minute Consultation
Just click the link below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with the Bud to Boss team to: Assess your leadership pipeline Discuss tools available to you Learn more about help available for the new supervisors in your organization

29 For More Information
Kevin’s blog - Bud to Boss blog Facebook / Twitter

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