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Unit 2 Vocabulary (English I)

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1 Unit 2 Vocabulary (English I)

2 Abstract (n.) a statement summarizing the important points of a given text

3 Belittle (V.) to represent or speak of as small or unimportant; to depreciate or disparage; to cause to seem less or little

4 ECCENTRIC (ADJ.) departing or deviating from the established norm, model, or rule; an odd or erratic person or thing

5 FACILITATE (v.) To free from difficulties or obstacles; to make easier; to aid or assist

6 HEED (V.) to pay attention to; to listen to and consider

7 INADVERTENT (ADJ.) accidental; unintentional; done by mistake or through lack of care and attention

8 mAR (v.) To damage or deface; to spoil the quality of; to injure

9 PARSIMONY (n) unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy; stinginess

10 TANGIBLE (ADJ.) discernible to the touch; capable of being touched visible

11 VERBOSE (ADJ.) using or containing an excessive number of words; wordy; talkative

12 Unit

13 Appease (v.) To bring peace or make concessions in order to gain peace

14 Assiduous (Adj.) constant in application or attention; diligent

15 Condone (V.) To forgive, overlook, or disregard (an offense) without protest

16 Exacerbate (V.) to increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate

17 Fanatic (N.) A person whose extreme devotion to a cause is excessive or unreasonable

18 Inconsolable (adj.) Unable to be comforted; brokenhearted

19 Lax (Adj.) Showing little concern; remiss; negligent; not strict; unenforced; not taut or firm

20 Nepotism (n.) favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business

21 Obstruction (N.) An obstacle. barrier

22 Putrid (adj.) Offensive to the senses, disgusting

23 Warm UP  Using 3 of the vocabulary words you received on Monday, write a compound sentence, a complex sentence and a simple sentence. Be prepared to put these on the board.

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