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Gas Field Development Class Example

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1 Gas Field Development Class Example
Use the spreadsheet Production-Forecasting.xls to look at sensitivities to reservoir parameters and tubing size. The spreadsheet contains data for a gas reservoir with IGIP = 8 Tscf (2.3 x 1011 m3). The model assumes that additional wells are drilled to maintain the plateau production rate. Assume a maximum of 50 wells. The development plan aims for a plateau period of 5 years, with 60% recovery at the end of plateau.

2 Gas Field Development Class Example
Sensitivities to study (values in red give base case) Permeability 100 md 10 md 1 md Tubing size 7 inches 5 ½ inches 3 ½ inches Skin +5 (damage) -5 (hydraulic fracture) Aquifer size Aquifer volume ratio = 5 Aquifer volume ratio = 10 Aquifer volume ratio = 0 (no aquifer)

3 Gas Field Development Class Example
Sensitivities to study Number of wells.* Length of plateau. Field life. Pressure drop in reservoir and tubing at start of production & end plateau. * For some cases (e.g. low permeability), it will not be possible to maintain the required plateau rate for 5 years. In these cases, find the maximum plateau rate that can be maintained for 5 years with a maximum of 50 wells.

4 Results for 100 md reservoir
Number of wells required Base case 25 7 in tubing 15 3.5 in tubing 50 Skin = +5 28 Skin = -5 23 No aquifer 32 Aquifer vol = 10 21 Most of the pressure drop (84 – 97% is in the tubing. Tubing diameter is the most important parameter. Aquifer size and skin have a smaller impact.

5 Results for 10 md reservoir
Plateau rate with 50 wells (1E6 Sm3/d) Base case 65 7 in tubing 67 3.5 in tubing 52 Skin = +5 54 Skin = (with 38 wells) No aquifer 58 Aquifer vol = 10 72 Comparable pressure drops in reservoir and tubing. Skin is the most important parameter, but aquifer size and tubing are also significant.

6 Results for 1 md reservoir
Plateau rate with 50 wells (1E6 Sm3/d) Base case 18 7 in tubing 18 3.5 in tubing 18 Skin = +5 12 Skin = -5 35 No aquifer 16 Aquifer vol = 10 18 94% of the pressure drop is in the reservoir. Skin has a major impact on performance. Aquifer and tubing size have very little effect.

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