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STATUS OF REDD-PLUS IN INDONESIA Nur Masripatin Director of the Centre for Social Economic and Policy Research/ Secretary of the Forest and Climate Change.

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Presentation on theme: "STATUS OF REDD-PLUS IN INDONESIA Nur Masripatin Director of the Centre for Social Economic and Policy Research/ Secretary of the Forest and Climate Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATUS OF REDD-PLUS IN INDONESIA Nur Masripatin Director of the Centre for Social Economic and Policy Research/ Secretary of the Forest and Climate Change Working Group Email :, NGOs Coordination Seminar, NORAD-CIFOR, Bogor 20-21 May 2010

2 OUTLINES REDD-related activities of the GoI and partner collaboration. Status of REDD-plus within the framework of the National Action Plan for reduction of green house gas emissions Cooperation with NGOs on REDD-plus Status of carbon trading schemes in Indonesia


4 REDD Indonesia REDD Indonesia : phased approach, national accounting-sub national implementation, 2009-2012 : Readiness Phase, REDD Readiness Strategy in place (addressing drivers of DD, methodological and institutional issues).

5 READINESS COMPONENT AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL 1.Policy interventions to tackle drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation, 2.REDD regulations (REDD Guidelines and REDD Committee) 3.Methodology (establishment of National REL and MRV system) 4.Institutional (Financing including distribution of incentives and responsibilities, National Registry, capacity building, stakeholders communication and coordination among REDD institutions, stakeholders consultation) 5.Analytical works (REL, MRV, Co-benefits, risks, etc)

6 READINESS COMPONENT AT THE SUB- NATIONAL LEVEL : provincial and district levels 1.Actions to tackle drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation, 2.Methodology (establishment of Provincial/District REL and MRV system), 3.Institutional (capacity building, stakeholders communication and coordination among REDD institutions, stakeholders consultation), 4.Demonstration activities.

7 FUNDING SUPPORT FOR READINESS ACTIVITIES REDDI Readiness 2009-2012 FCPF- FIP UNREDD German y Korea TNC, ITTO dll Australi a National & DA Demonstration Activities FCPF (readiness/ national & sub- national, no DA), FIP (scaling up readiness)

8 Readiness Communication IFCA- WGFCC Govern-ment Institutions Private Secors Internati- onal Partners Civil Societies (NGOs, Academia, etc )

9 Status of REDD-plus within the framework of the NAP for GHGs emission reduction

10 National Target for Emission Reduction Indonesia has expressed to associate with Copenhagen Accord, voluntarily set a target to reduce 26 % emissions compared to BAU by 2020, trough :

11 How emission reduction be done ? In the context of sustainable development with poverty alleviation as priority Low Carbon Development Path (national, provinces, districts) in the process of development.

12 Where REDD-plus Indonesia be positioned? REDD+ RED ef REDe g SMF Cons ervat ion C stocks enhanc ement Ener -gy Wast e Trans -port Agric ultur e NAMAs Negotiation position : REDD+ is not part of NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions)

13 Where REDD-plus Indonesia be positioned? (continued) REDD + Ener- gy Wast e Trans- port Agric ulture NAMAs NAP-CC : REDD+ is part of NAMAs REDD+ RED ef REDe g SMF Conse rvatio n C stocks enhance ment

14 Where REDD-plus Indonesia be positioned? (continued) REDD+ C stok enhance ment Conservat ion SMF RE Deg RE Def REDD + Ener- gy Wast e Trans- port Agric ulture NAMAs Compromized/realistic approach Unilateral NAMAs Supported NAMAs Not Part of NAMAs (REDD trading mechanism) Unilateral NAMAs

15 Cooperation with NGOs on REDD-plus NGOs is part of the three pillars of governance (government, private sector, civil society) the three stakeholders supposed to work together, building synergy in our efforts, There are many donor funded initiatives related to REDD-plus done by NGOs with various focus and scale.

16 Cooperation with NGOs on REDD-plus (continued) Current situation : NGOs initiatives are scattered and difficult to coordinate, NGOs donor funded initiatives are lack of coordination between donor and host government. One among possible options to improve coordination and communication of the activities is to use IFCA channel.

17 Status of carbon trading schemes in Indonesia REDD-plus implementation is still in readiness phase building capacity, developing the framework, addressing related issues f.e. drivers of DD etc) International level : Policy aspects and positive incentives are still in the process of negotiation, National level : there is no regulation in place that can readily accommodate carbon trading Mechanism to be developed during the readiness phase Interim mechanism may be possible to exercise incentive distribution before international mechanism under COP in place. there has not been carbon trading connected to UNFCCC-process on REDD-plus in Indonesia.

18 CLOSING REMARKS REDD (-plus) is integral part of mitigation effort, Indonesia is in the process of learning by doing how to bring climate change issues (including REDD-plus) to the mainstream of development planning at all levels (national, province, district), At the same time preparing REDD-framework to be ready by 2012.


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