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Student Health Insurance Costs: How Much Will I Pay?

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Presentation on theme: "Student Health Insurance Costs: How Much Will I Pay?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Health Insurance Costs: How Much Will I Pay?
Laura Burkhart MD, MPH Staff Physician Zerfoss Student Health Center

2 Visits at Student Health
We see all enrolled students, regardless of insurance plan Your visits with a Student Health Center provider are free

3 Costs at Student Health
Small charges for supplies or blood testing/labs Small charges for medications dispensed on site Payment is required the day when service is given You can use Commodore Card or Credit Cards

4 Services Outside Student Health
Your medical provider at Student Health might refer you to a specialist outside of Student Health Specialist visits are not free and there will be a charge You also might need to obtain other services such as X-rays or other imaging These services are also not free, and there will be a charge

5 Initial Cost First you pay the deductible
This is the amount you pay before the Insurance plan starts to pay $250/year for services in preferred hospitals and clinics $500/year for non-preferred (out of network) hospitals and clinic Also separate $100 for prescription deductible each year

6 Subsequent Costs Copayment/Copay: This is your part of the cost. After your deductible, you pay: 10% if at Vanderbilt 20% outside of Vanderbilt (but preferred in-network clinic) 40% if outside the Vanderbilt and preferred network In addition, you pay $100 extra each time you go to the Emergency Department if you’re not admitted to stay in the hospital.

7 Pharmacy Usage and Copays
You must pay your $100 pharmacy co-pay before your benefits start After you pay this $100 co-pay, each medication will be covered at a set price depending on type and brand $15 generics $50 brands $75 specialty medicines

8 Vanderbilt Student Insurance Representative
Kristy Miller Located at the Vanderbilt Student Center

9 Thank you!

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