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The atomic bonding in metals is metallic bonding.

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1 The atomic bonding in metals is metallic bonding.
Metallic materials: Atoms in metals and their alloys are arranged in very orderly pattern, therefore they are crystalline materials. The atomic bonding in metals is metallic bonding. Metals are having high densities relative to other types of materials. Metals are relatively stiff and strong. Metals are ductile, where capable to sustain large amounts of deformation without fracture i. e. are resistant to fracture.

2 Metals have good conduction of electricity and heat, where their structure has large number of non-localized electrons or free electrons. - These materials not transparent to visible light. - Some metals have magnetic properties as (Iron-Fe, Cobalt- Co, and Nickel-Ni). Compared to the ceramics and polymeric materials, they are relatively dense.



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