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PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

2 PODs™ Overview PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

3 The Secret of Sales PODs™ ( 5 )
Do you know how many people you need to get in front of every day in order to hit your sales goals? PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

4 Foundational Principles
PODs™ Foundational Principles Success in sales stems from performing focused, proactive marketing activities on a consistent daily basis. Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals. - Jim Rohn What gets measured gets done The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured and multiplied. - Richard Koch PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

5 What if there was a way to……..
PODs™ What if there was a way to…….. Help me stay engaged in my daily marketing activities? Help my staff stay engaged in their daily marketing / retention activities? Foster healthy competition and hold people accountable in real time w/o micro-management? Identify in real time which activities work and which ones don’t? Effectively coach your staff based on individual, real-time results? Would my agency be more successful if I could consistently execute on these things? PLANNING | ACCOUNTABILITY | REPORTING | COACHING PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

6 PODs™ The 4 Components of PODs
Plan – Create and select activities that will help you reach your goals and assign those activities to yourself and/or members of your agency. Track – Every member of your team has a customized home page with their day’s marketing activities listed. Simply click a button each time you do an activity. Users average less than 10 minutes per day inside the PODs application. At the end of each day you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you Jim Rohn Report/Coach – Generate real-time daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual reports that show what / who is working as well as what / who isn’t working. This gives you the opportunity to reallocate resources or provide coaching. PLANNING | ACCOUNTABILITY | REPORTING | COACHING PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

7 PODs™ The PODs Solution
PODs™ is a web-based application for Agents, CSRs, Producers and their Managers that will allow you to: Plan Marketing Activities Track and Report on Activities in real time Maintain Accountability Generate Healthy Competition Provide ROI feedback Give Opportunities for Coaching PLANNING | ACCOUNTABILITY | REPORTING | COACHING PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

8 Team Accountability Essentials
PODs™ Team Accountability Essentials Daily Scorecard What are you currently using for a scorecard in your agency? How do you and your team members know if it has been a good day? PLANNING | ACCOUNTABILITY | REPORTING | COACHING PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

9 PODs™ PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

10 PODs™ PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

11 PODs™ PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

12 Team Accountability Essentials
PODs™ Team Accountability Essentials Daily Scorecard 2. Weekly Team Meetings The most powerful and predictable people-builders are praise and encouragement Brian Tracy Reinforce what you want to see repeated. What gets rewarded gets done. - Brian Tracy PLANNING | ACCOUNTABILITY | REPORTING | COACHING PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

13 PODs™ PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

14 Team Accountability Essentials
PODs™ Team Accountability Essentials Daily Scorecard Weekly Team Meetings Regularly Scheduled One-on-one reviews Leaders must not allow themselves to mistake intentions for accomplishments Jim Rohn The objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do better Jim Rohn PLANNING | ACCOUNTABILITY | REPORTING | COACHING PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

15 PODs™ PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

16 PODs™ product preview For Safeco Insurance

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