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Peaslake School Class re-organisation September 2019

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1 Peaslake School Class re-organisation September 2019

2 Class organisation from September 2019
Pine Class - all Reception and Year 1 children. Teacher Miss Lock Teaching Assistants Mrs Packer/Mrs Rixon and Mrs Still Reception 7 children Year 1 13children Oak Class – all Year 2 children. Teacher Mrs Gunn Year children

3 Aim: To make learning active and purposeful across all Year 1 and Reception
Latest research into teaching year 1 children shows that they not ready for the more formal, structured teaching in Key Stage 1. The transition from Reception into Year 1 can be stressful and impact on their development and progress. Our research showed that the year 1 children that had more opportunity for independent, play based learning had overall better outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1. We attribute this to children having further experiences and more in depth opportunities to follow their own independent line of enquiry.

4 Our Vision Maximise the length of time children are in control of their own learning. A more structured play based learning environment indoors and outdoors Small group work led by an adult teaching skills that they can they apply through their play. To create an environment, indoors and outdoors which will enable them to be challenged and develop as learners. To give opportunity to follow their own interests and build on their “cultural capital”.

5 Continuous Provision A staff inset day led by Chris Quigley on Continuous provision and greater depth. This led to a greater understanding within the staff team of what in depth learning is and how children need time to explore and repeat skills they have been taught. Recording the evidence of impact on continuous provision as a lot of the activities are based on the continuous drip feeding of information in KS1.

6 Building stamina and excitement in writing
Through reading recipes children had the opportunity to make their own play dough, practising talk, sharing ideas, solving problems. That led into children choosing to write recipes to go with revolting recipe pictures. Prompted some children to write recipes at home. They were freed up to write and able to write for a purpose, at the child’s own choice and independently.

7 Child initiated activities
Through the continuous provision and a creative curriculum eg in our topic Beat Band Boogie children created lyrics for songs – sending a doll to sleep. Putting musical instruments to poems and stories then creating their own poems with musical patterns.

8 Forest School Since the Autumn term we have dedicated a whole morning in the woods with all the children. We use the forest to teach a large proportion of the Science curriculum. From seasonal change and identification of flora and fauna to exploring habitats and investigation plant growth. Small class sizes allow us to be flexible and adapt what we are teaching according to what’s happening in the world around us. Eg investigating snow melt.

9 Impact on learning In forest school we are seeing children taking risks in connection with their physical development. Language and vocabulary skills are developing as they negotiate, turn take and work as team on a variety of activities from den building to wood collecting for the fire. Accessing learning indoors in a different way outdoors eg story telling, developing the story tree. Science become more real outdoors, children make links, explore and investigate. We’ve seen children taking what they’ve learnt in the classroom and doing independent work at home.


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