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Welcome Flight Companies

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Flight Companies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Flight Companies
NASA Mars Lander Welcome Flight Companies

2 Your Mission You must use the items you are provided to create some kind of Mars Lander You must trade for items with another flights to get the items you need You will need an engineering team (design and build), an sales team (to advertise and sell your item to NASA), and a logistics team (to coordinate the trade of items) It must protect a person’s brain (egg for simulation)

3 Flight Ingredients A – Shopping Bag B – Cups C – Duct Tape D – Straws
E – Balloons F – String G – Rubberbands H – Cotton Balls I – Foam Sr. Staff – Poster Board

4 Final Steps You must name your project (i.e. Mars Rover – don’t use this) You must sell your project to us (NASA) Create a poster and select a presenter to present your project Demonstrations will happen on site

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