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Number Systems Today, I’ll be giving an introduction to:

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Presentation on theme: "Number Systems Today, I’ll be giving an introduction to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Number Systems Today, I’ll be giving an introduction to:
The Binary Number System …as compared to Decimal …counting in binary …in a hardware context …number base systems 7/15/2019

2 Decimal Number System 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 values
Day-to-day use Used by people, e.g. Pounds and Pence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 values Hundreds Tens Units (Base 10 system) 7/15/2019

3 Binary Number System 0 and 1 values only (base two system)
Used by computer hardware and software 0 and 1 values only (base two system) Binary Count… 7/15/2019

4 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

5 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

6 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

7 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

8 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

9 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

10 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

11 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

12 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

13 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

14 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

15 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

16 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

17 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).

18 Binary Count (Up to Fifteen).
= 15 7/15/2019

19 Computer Hardware Binary DigiTs (BITs) can be represented electronically: … 0 (no signal) … 1 (signal) 7/15/2019

20 In Summary… Decimal number system is used day-to-day, e.g. metric system Binary is used by computer hardware and software Binary is very simple… … easy as 1 or 0! … so easy, a kettle could do it! 7/15/2019

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