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By: Britton Taubenfeld

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1 By: Britton Taubenfeld
History Of the United States By: Britton Taubenfeld

2 Objectives: By the end of this lesson you should have a very basic understanding of The Discovery of the Americas by Europeans The Early Colonization Period by the British The Revolutionary Period and the Thirteen Original Colonies The Writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution The American Civil War For deeper reading check “Further Reading” at the end of the powerpoint

3 Discover of the Americas by Europeans

4 Not SPAIN But… he did… Buonasera, everyone!
I’m ____________, and I’m from ____________ Not SPAIN But… he did…

5 If fact he ALWAYS believed he had landed in ___________
So we can tell from these routes that Columbus doesn’t actually make it to _________ If fact he ALWAYS believed he had landed in ___________ And that’s why we called the natives ________, but now its more appropriate to call them __________

6 So we called the natives Indians

7 Why do we call the Americas “America”?

8 Christopher Columbus thought he had landed in India

9 This man Vespucci

10 Early English Colonization Period

11 Fearing that the British Islands were already close to over-population
New found confidence from defeating the Spanish in a major battle And Jealous of the colonization benefits that Spain was experiencing

12 England decides to begin its own colonization of the Americas

13 England’s First Attempt at Roanoke
Key Facts: 1. 2.

14 The next attempt at Jamestown, Virginia
Key Facts: 1. 2. 3.

15 The third attempt at Plymouth Rock
Key Facts: 1. 2. 3.

16 The Original 13 Colonies 1773

17 By ______ English settlers had occupied 13 colonies along the _________ ______

18 Why are these thirteen so important?

19 These thirteen colonies will

20 Deeply angered by what they felt were ___________
And that they had no _____ __________ in government The 13 colonies decide they must _________

21 Considered the first true battles of the American Revolution
The Battles of Considered the first true battles of the American Revolution

22 The Battles of Fought in 1775 The first shot

23 The Revolutionary War Ends
The war ends in 1783 The United States is Officially recognized by England

24 The Declaration of Independence

25 While the war is going full force A man named Writes a document called
Which does two VERY important things for the United States

26 The United States is a weak confederacy
The federal government is weak, and the states seem unwilling to cooperate

27 The North and South have huge cultural and economical differences

28 If something is not done quickly the United States will fall apart!
What are we gonna do?! If something is not done quickly the United States will fall apart!

29 The Constitution of the United States

30 You’ll have to wait for the section on Government to learn more about this guy!

31 The American Civil War

32 1861 7 states succeed from the Union to form the Confederate States of America
Eventually ___ states declare themselves the Confederate States of America

33 The Differences of the North and South
Why the Conflict? The Differences of the North and South

34 Lincoln declares the Emancipation Proclamation

35 End of the War Two issues resolved

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