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Presentation on theme: "Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy

2 Where does energy come from?
Do I need energy? Where does energy come from? What is energy?

3 Tidal Marsh Food Web 2o Consumers 1o Consumers Producers Decomposers
Created by Michael J. Pidwirny, Ph.D., Department of Geography, Okanagan University College

4 Energy Flow in a Food Web
Sun Energy 100% Producers 1o Consumers 2o Consumers Higher order consumers are very inefficient uses of solar energy. It takes almost a 1000 times more energy to sustain a higher level consumer compared to a producer and 8 times as much energy as a first order consumer. 90% heat life needs motion Decomposers

5 Energy Flow & Food Webs The earth only receives energy from the sun. All the energy on the earth derives from solar energy. Trees and plants have solar panels in the form of leaves to capture solar energy. Through the chemo-electric reaction, photosynthesis, they capture solar energy in the chemical bonds of sugar molecules made from carbon dioxide and water. This is the starting point. Their efficiency sets the energy level available to all consumers and decomposers. Producers use the sun as their primary source of energy Consumers extract energy from producers by eating them. Higher order consumers extract energy for living by eating lower order consumers. Decomposers break down the organic chemicals left behind when consumers and producers die. Their waste products create soil and liberate nutrients that producers need to function.

6 Eco by the Numbers

7 The Energy Pyramid Producers – 100% 1o Consumers – 10%


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