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The Committee to House the Bay Area

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1 The Committee to House the Bay Area
Vikrant Sood MTC/ABAG

2 Percent of household income H + T Costs For Lower-Income Households
Only the most aggressive policies can help address the region’s housing affordability and equity challenges Even w/ PBA 2040, between 2005 and 2040 Housing costs will rise +12 percent while Transportation costs will rise +1 percent 67 Percent of household income H + T Costs For Lower-Income Households 2040 54 Percent of household income H + T Costs For Lower-Income Households 2005 Image Source: City of San Ramon

3 Jobs and Housing Growth in the Bay Area, 2010-2015
Source: PBA 2040 Growth Forecast and Projections Region added 600,000 jobs from , but permitted less than 60,000 homes. Commercial development is keeping pace with demand but not housing. Homelessness has grown across the region; rents and home prices are beyond the reach of most families. 1.3 million Jobs Plan Bay Area 2040 projection 820,000 Homes Plan Bay Area 2040 projection 56,000 Permitted by 2015

4 San Mateo County Added 1 New Housing Unit
for Every 17 New Jobs Between 2010 to 2016 Source: Jobs – California County Economic Forecast, , Transportation Economics Branch, California Department of Transportation; Housing – E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, California Department of Finance 8 :1 # Jobs Added : # Housing Permitted $000,000 – Zillow Home Value Index (Mar ‘18) $0,000 – Zillow Rent Index (Mar ‘18) $1,334,800 $4,190 $1,363,800 $4,000 $1,284,500 $3,570 13:1 $1,122,800 $4,430 $874,600 $3,160 $664,600 $2,860 17:1 $648,000 $2,890 $620,500 $2,750 4:1 $428,300 $2,140 5:1 12:1 5:1 20:1 17:1

5 The Region Has Not Built Affordable Housing
to Meet Growing Demand Permitted Missing Middle

6 Growing Share of Lower-Income HHs Face Displacement Risk

7 It Will Take More than One Strategy to Fix the Crisis
Regulatory Relief Policy Toolkit Funding /Resources Enabling Legislation Outreach /Engagement Production Preservation Protection

8 A Blue-Ribbon Committee Convened by MTC to Find “Game-Changing” Solutions
CASA Three Co-Chairs Steering Committee 17 members Technical Committee 32 members Production Protection Preservation Work Groups

9 CASA Framework and Key Components of a Compact

10 What are the challenges in your jurisdiction?
Key Questions What are the challenges in your jurisdiction? What are the types of housing most needed? How can CASA and the region help? For more information on CASA, contact: Vikrant Sood, Principal Planner, Or go to the website: To complete the online anonymous survey by June 22, 2018, 4pm, go to:

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