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Ch 9 Life Stages (vocabulary 16)

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1 Ch 9 Life Stages (vocabulary 16)
Sperm -Fetus Testes -Placenta Ovum -Birth Uterus -Infancy -Childhood Menstruation -Adolescence - Puberty Pregnancy -Adulthood -Grief Embryo

2 Sec 1 Male Reproduction Sperm-male sex cell
Testes- producers of sex cell Testosterone-male hormone Scrotum- sac protecting, cooling testes Epididymis-storage for sperm along testes Penis-exit from the body for urine, sperm Prostate Gland-aids in fluid production for sperm

3 Male Reproduction System
Problems Swelling, pain, rash Jock itch, STD, Hernia, Undescended testicle, UTI, Testicular cancer, torsion, Prostate enlargement Care for System: Bathe, clean dry clothing Protective gear Regular Dr. visit Abstinence

4 Female Reproduction -2 Ovum-female sex cell
Uterus-muscle that will protect fetus Fallopian Tube-pathway for egg to travel Endometrium-lining of uterus shed monthly Cervix-opening to the uterus Vagina-exit from the body for urine, blood flow Estrogen- female hormone

5 Female reproduction cycle
Ovulation- is the monthly release of an ovum from an ovary for potential fertilization. If unfertilized the ovum will be eliminated from the body with the monthly uterine lining being shed. Menstruation- monthly cycle for ovum to travel the fallopian tube and exit the body Approx 28 days cycle 1-5 uterine lining sheds 1-13 ovum matures in ovary releases day 14 15-28 travels F.T. to uterus: repeat cycle

6 Female reproductive care
Report self exam of lumps, bumps, pain UTI, endometriosis, STD’s, toxic shock, Cervical cancer Bathe, dry clothing, Routine Dr. visit Abstinence

7 Pregnancy and Birth- 3 Fertilization is the time at which the MALE SEX cell “sperm” penetrate the FEMALE SEX cell “egg” together they form a New cell. This new cell will travel down the fallopian tube and implant in the uterus. The uterus is a muscular organ that will stretch in size and nourish the embryo. This whole process is called: PREGNANCY EMBRYO < 8 WEEKS FETUS > 9+ WEEK Full term wks

8 Pregnancy and Birth Placenta is the organ that grows and develops to nourish the fetus and eliminate waste from the fetus. Physical changes in female body: hormones, breast enlargement, uterus stretches, swelling in extremities Emotional Changes can occur as these hormones are released.

9 Trimester Development
1st= 12 weeks, 3 mos Fertilization Heart form 4th wk Brain and spine develop Extremities develop Brain wave detection 2nd =13-24 weeks, 4-6mos Development 3x in size by end of week 24 compared to week 12 Mother feels movement 3rd = 25=40 week, 7-9 mos Muscle and organ develop Practice breathing Ready for life outside womb

10 Birth Process Uterus contracts forcing baby out of the body.
Labor- time of contraction until birth completed Stage 1= contraction until cervix opens for head Stage 2 =cervix open, baby delivered Stage 3 = delivery of placenta Caesarean Section = incision in uterine muscle to remove fetus thru abdomen

11 Growing & Changing Infant- newborn Early childhood-1 to 3
Middle childhood 4-6 Late childhood 7-11 Adolescences (maturity) Adulthood- early, middle and late Senior – legacy

12 Grief 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Despair 5. Acceptance

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