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Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, February 15th 2017

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1 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, February 15th 2017
Warm-up: Please read “12.10 Beginning to Think Globally & Global Connections” on pgs in the green book. Do you think deforestation has slowed and reforestation has gained momentum because humans are being more responsible, or because there is little forest left to cut down? Why?

2 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, February 15th 2017
Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up previewing the essential question Finish partner/small-group lesson on Amazon Rain Forest You and your partner determine the best ideas to reduce land-use conflict and which groups would benefit from each idea. Complete study guide, study it, review, make notecard to use on the TEST TOMORROW and Notebook Checks Cool-Down responding to the essential question Essential Question: How should the resources of the Amazon Rainforest be used and/or preserved? What do I know about the significant physical and human geographic features of Latin America? SSWG 7g & 7 Materials you will need: Geography Notebook & writing utensil Green textbook – pgs Partner Amazon Rainforest Assignment Study Guide

3 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, February 15th 2017
Cool Down: On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most, how prepared are you for the unit test over Latin America TOMORROW? What can you do to improve your number? Be specific and realistic.

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