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Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

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1 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
Medical Terminology Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

2 Planes of the body Anatomical Position? Planes
Frontal/Coronal:Divides the body in front and back halves Sagital: Divides the body into the left and right sides Transverse/axial: Divides the body into the top and bottom

3 Directional terms Anterior: Ventral/abdominal side of the body.
Posterior: Toward the back/dorsal aspect Medial: pertains to the middle. Lateral: Away from the midline/outside Superior: Situated above something else. Inferior: Situated inferior to something else. Proximal: Nearest the point of attachment. Distal: Furthest point from the attachment.

4 Directional terms cont’d
Flexion (flex): bending a joint, decreasing the range of motion Extension (ext): Lengthening a joint, increasing the range of motion Abduction (abd): Moving away from the midline of the body Adduction (add): moving towards the midline of the body External Rotation: Turning outwardly from the midline of the body. Internal Rotation: Movement around the axis of rotation towards the midline of the body.

5 Medical Terms Subluxation: A partial or incomplete dislocation. “I felt it pop out and back in” Dislocation: Temporary displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint. Fracture: A break of a bone Sprain: Tearing of a ligament. Divided into 3 grades Strain: tearing of a muscle/tendon. Divided into 3 grades.

6 Medical terms cont’d Tendon: Connects muscle to bone.
Ligament: Connects bone to bone. Ecchymosis: bruising Tinnitus: Ringing in the ears. Photophobia: Sensitivity to light. Epistaxis: Bloody nose Incision: A cut made with a scalpel. Abrasion: Superficial damage to the skin. “Scrape” Effusion: Swelling

7 Medical terms cont’d Laceration: Tearing of the skin with ragged/uneven edges. Signs: Things one can observe Range of motion: ROM Manual muscle test: MMT Symptoms: Things the patient can feel Mechanism of injury (MOI): How the injury happened Return to Play: RTP Complains of: C/O Crepitus: popping/clicking in a joint.


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