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Information - the lifeblood of the business

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1 Information - the lifeblood of the business
how ISO enables its integration

2 Why ISO 15926? The Process Industries have many players:
Plant Owner/Operators EPC Contractors and subcontractors Suppliers Authorities in rather “promiscuous” operational relationships. These all use their software systems to fit their operations, and these systems are incompatible for the most. ISO provides an ISO-standard “Lingua Franca” that allows for interoperability of those systems.

3 The data jungle

4 Objectives of ISO 15926 To build the Semantic Web for the Process Industries, enabling generic model-driven: Integration - “cradle to grave” Exchange - by mapping to standard format Sharing - by querying on an as-needed basis Hand-over - for consolidation up the hierarchy *) of globally distributed Plant Life-cycle Information *) e.g. app → discipline → project → JV project → owner/operator

5 Data used & Data produced
Example: A pump sizing program requires process data and produces a pump size, which is of interest to Procurement

6 This has its drawbacks because of lack of real data management
App to App Exchange This has its drawbacks because of lack of real data management

7 Map - Store - and - Query A query can be for the next task in the work flow, but also for a revamp 20 years from now.

8 Collecting, Mapping, Validating, Storing & Querying

9 Life-cycle Information Integration

10 Reference Data Library
In order to avoid misunderstandings ISO has a Reference Data Library, that allows for local extensions:

11 Why not use the Semantic Web as-is?
Because those semantics are too user-driven to be reliable enough for information exchange on a global scale. The Upper Ontology of ISO is used to enforce rigor. ISO fills the “Ontology vocabulary”, the “Logic” and the “Proof layer” in:

12 ISO – Data Model [1]

13 Any proprietary format

14 ISO 15926 information in Turtle format
Information in some database, Excel spreadsheet, or other carrier can be mapped to a standard ISO file in Turtle format: :6AD438B B57F97E6EE9C5C7 rdf:type dm:Person, dm:WholeLifeIndividual, dm:ActualIndividual ; rdfs:label "John Doe" ; meta:valEffectiveDate " T05:34:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime . :F5EDBB01C A696869DB3EFE rdf:type tpl:IndividualHasPropertyWithValue ; tpl:hasPropertyPossessor :6AD438B B57F97E6EE9C5C7 ; tpl:hasPropertyType rdl: RDS ; # MASS tpl:hasPropertyValue "87,4"^^xsd:decimal ; tpl:hasScale rdl: RDS ; # KILOGRAM meta:valEffectiveDate " T14:25:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

15 ISO 15926 information in triple format
That turtle file can be automatically converted to triples: < < < . < < < . < < < . < < "John Doe" . < < " T05:34:00+00:00"^^< . < < < . < < < . < < < . < < "87,4"^^< . < < < . < < " T14:25:00+00:00"^^< . All plant life-cycle information, when converted this way and validated, is stored in an integrated manner in a Triple Store: the ISO Plant Archive It can be queried with the SPARQL query language.

16 Use of Semantic Web technologies
For the implementation of ISO the following W3C Semantic Web standards are used: OWL - Web Ontology Language RDF - Resource Description Framework SPARQL - SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language R2RML - RDB to RDF Mapping Language SHACL - Shapes Constraint Language

17 The end result

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