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Radiation damage in Diamond

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1 Radiation damage in Diamond
Comparison of radiation damage in Si and Diamond WdB, H. Bol, A. Furgeri, S. Mueller (Univ. Karlsruhe) M. Pomorski, E. Berdermann (GSI) M. Huhtinen (CERN)

2 Decay of CVD signal during neutron irradiation

3 Decrease of CCD vs fluence with 26 MeV protons

4 Calculation of NIEL curve
Conclusion: diamond not very radiation hard for low energy protons. Reason? First question: does NIEL hypothesis work? Implying: CCD  defects. Can be calculated by SRIM. Disadvantage: SRIM calculates only Coulomb scattering Solution: go to Mika Huhtinen. 1) he calculates nuclear interaction to elastic scattering 2) he calculates fragments with energy spectrum Calculate defects from fragments by SRIM again

5 Radiation damage in Diamond
Z Ions NIEL Total 10 GeV protons Z Ion NIEL Total n p Si elastic Si inelastic Si total C total C elastic C inelastic Si C 200 MeV

6 Conclusion Radiation damage at HIGH energy dominated by inelastic cross section. C-nuclei smaller and more stable than diamond. Diamond order of magnitude better than Silicon. Radiation damage at LOW energy dominated by elastic cross section. C-nuclei have factor two smaller Z than Si and higher displacement energy (≈40 keV vs 20 keV) Diamond only factor three better than Silicon.

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