TSA causes premature chromatid sister separation.

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1 TSA causes premature chromatid sister separation.
TSA causes premature chromatid sister separation. (A) RNA FISH with a Cy3-labeled probe that hybridizes with the MS2 region of the mRNA (green), showing duplicated and separated CCND1-MS2 alleles on the background of Hoechst DNA staining (pseudocolored red) after TSA treatment (7 h). Scale bar, 5 μm. (B) Transcribing CCND1-MS2 genes under the control of the CMV promoter tagged with MS2-CP-GFP showing adjacent (left) and separated (right) sister genes after TSA treatment (7 h). Hoechst DNA stain is in blue. (C) RNA FISH image showing separated genes and the distance between them. The boxplots show the measured distances under control and TSA treatments (7 h). (D) Average distances between duplicated alleles in TSA-treated cells (7 h). Number of cells quantified (n) is marked in red below the plots. Sharon Yunger et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Yunger et al.

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